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We arrive at the stadium, its huge, so many seats and the stage, it's massive. We all walk inside, 2 hours remaining before the concert and there's already a massive crowd of fangirls screaming the boys' names as we pass them, me getting a few dirty looks from Tom's fangirls because I was holding his hand, but one girl stuck out to me, she had blonde hair that held a few scruffy curls at the ends, half tied back, half down. She was wearing a skintight leather skirt and I matching bodice, heeled boots and lace fishnets to go along with them. I didn't get a good look at her face, ad we walked into the building before I could get a glance, I shrugged it off though, who cares?


1 hour and a half had passed and now the stadium was getting full, screaming fans awaiting tokio hotel to arrive on stage, the boys had asked me if I wanted to watch from backstage, but I chose to watch from the crowd, they insisted on me standing at the barricades, to which I couldn't say no to (ofcourse)

I made my way out into the crowd as security helped me to the barricades, before the lights dimmed and the first song track started playing, one of my favorites, scream/schrei (whatever one you like most) I smiled as the spotlights hit each member and they started to begin.

Halfway through the concert, the band had stopped to talk to the crowd, and Tom made his way over to Bill and whispered something in his ear, to which Bill replied with a grin and spoke into the mic

"For the next song, we are going to bring a fan on stage"

Tom winked at me as the fans went wild, I swear my eardrums burst at that second, before Bill skimmed through the crowd and his eyes locked onto me, I looked at him shaking my head no, but it was too late, he pointed me out to the security guards and they helped me onto the stage, Bill took my hand and Smirked at me, to which I rolled my eyes,

"So, what's your name?" He asked, playing dumb

"It's May" I said with a chuckle

How dumb was this man? I swear half of the crowd had already seen me with them, why lie now?

"Well, May, do you play any instruments? Or do you sing?"
He asked with a sly smirk on his face,
He knew what he was doing, and I hated it, but I couldn't resist it.

"I do, I play guitar, electric guitar"
I say, then the crowd applauses for me as Bill smiles at Tom

"Well, how about you play the guitar for our next song, if you know it that is"

"Try me"

I say, as I walk over to Tom as he hands me his guitar, standing close behind me still, the track starts to play, I know it straight away, don't jump/spring nicht, It's the song I had recently been taught by Tom, that's probably why this song is next.

As I start playing the chords, the crowd goes wild, making me smile while playing, Tom slithers his hand around my waist, I whisper into his ear to stop, since I didn't want to mess up, and we hadn't announced our relationship yet, but he didn't care, he gently kissed my neck once before slapping my ass and letting go of my waist, this boy.

The song finished and I hugged Bill and headed off stage, returning to my spot. The next few songs went past like a flash, as we get to the last song, I headed out to the bathroom, to do my business, security leads me to the bathrooms and I walk inside of a stall, then I walk out afterwards, wash my hands, and touch up my makeup a bit, I hear Bill shout on his mic from outside, saying goodbye, so the concert had finally finished. I finish up in the bathroom and head out, heading for the crowd which people had started moving their way to the entrance, before I felt someone grab my arm, pulling me back into the ladies bathroom, I fell onto my back and leant up, just to see the blonde headed girl from earlier, who was giving me smug looks.

I could see her face now though, she had faded makeup, blue eyes and a tattoo on her neck, she looked familiar, I don't know where from, she picked my up by my hair, causing me to flinch in pain, and she slammed me against the wall, wtf was wrong with her?

"You bitch" She said "stay away from him" She said before slamming my head against the wall,

"OW WTF DO YOU MEAN?!" i yell, wincing from the pain of my head,

"Tom" She says "He's my boyfriend. Not yours." She says before letting go of my hair and punching me in the face

"What do you mean?" I say, blood seaping from my now busted lip

"What I said. Stay away from my boyfriend." She yelled, punching me again and kicking me in the stomach

I fell to the ground in pain

"Or what? You'll kill me?"

I said, chuckling, she continued to beat me up before bulling out a pocked knife and placing it up to my throat, I was short of breath,

"Exactly" She spoke,

She slightly ran the knife across my throat, causing a slight cut, still enough to bleed, she takes the knife away and kicks me in the head again, before everything goes black.


I wake up on the bathroom floor of the stadium, my head pounding and my face stinging lile hell, my stomach aching, I try to stand but fall slightly, I manage to stand and limp my way out of the bathroom, I checked the time, I had blacked out for almost 20 mins, shit. I knew I couldn't go to the boys like this, so I walked out of the back doors of the stadium, calling a cab and heading to the hotel, I arrive and go up to my room, closing the door and going into the bathroom for a shower, I look at myself in the mirror, I had a busted lip, dried blood coming down my neck from the slight cut, a swelled cheekbone and a few bruises, I removed my clothes and hopped in the shower, scrubbing my body, before completely tumbling to the ground and letting out small sobs.

I get out of the shower and rap a towel around me, I place my flip phone on charge as it had ran out from all of the recording I had done of the band, I got dressed into my pj's and went to the mirror, she blood had washed away and the cut had dried up, leaving a scab, the swelling gone down leaving a bruise and my busted lip wasn't as severe, I couldn't let Tom or the others see this, so I grabbed my makeup and put some over the bruises and my sliced neck, I could explain that the lip was an accident, so I didn't do anything to it.

I hopped into bed, finally opening my phone, to no surprise, there were 243 missed messages and calls from the boys,

oh shit.


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