New beginnings

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Here it is, the day of our first concert since our new album, humanoid city dropped, its so exciting.

We are all so hyped up, we are visiting Italy, milan. We are all hyped up for this, the first song we are performing is pain of love, one of our greatest hits from the album. Definitely a fan favorite. But we are adding a duo at the end, which isn't included in the song we originally published, so that's exciting. The duo is me and Gustav playing a part at the end. It we shown it to the girls, they said it gave them shivers, in a good way?

We arrived at the stadium, it was massive. It atleast holds 10k+, mind-blowing, literally. There was already a bunch of fans waiting outside of the building, waiting to be sent in.

As we walked backstage, we saw the girls waiting for us. Bill's Girlfriend, Jess, was also waiting.

Jess ran up to bill, giving him a kiss and hugging him. Then Jen giving Georg a kiss, they had gotten together a year ago, took them long enough.

Me and Gustav were alone, I mean, Gustav had a girlfriend but she wasn't here, and I'm not ready yet.

We gave the girls hugs and Bill headed  to get his makeup done.

"Tou and Bill are sonlovey dovey it makes me sick" I said to Jess

"Oh shut up, you'll understand one day" She said, letting out a laugh afterwards. I thought about how much I loved May, the others catching on. Jess just stood there, clueless.

We all looked at her.

"What?" She said.

We all laughed.

"Nothing Jess, absolutely nothing"
Jen said.


20 mins passed, we could hear all of the fans screaming in the arena.

"You're on in 5" our manager said.

We all warmed ourselves up, Bill doing random noises, I'll never get it. Me and Georg were stretching our fingers, and Gustav was stretching his arms and air drumming.

The girls had headed out to their seats in the crowd.

We headed onto the stage, the lights dark enough so out fans couldn't see us yet. We all got into our places. Thw spotlight hit Bill. Screams all over the arena, everyone going crazy.

"WHATS UP MILAN" Bill spoke

They all screamed as a reply.


Screams again.


Another burst of screams.

"WE WANNA WELCOME YOU, TO THE HUMANOID CITY!" He said, turning around and walking away, the lights dimmed and thw music started.


"Fuckkk" I said, stretching my fingers,

"That was painful" I said, laughing, we sorted all of our stuff, and headed to the tour bus. Getting in and heading to our hotel. God it was EXHAUSTING. as soon as we arrived I flopped straight onto my bed. Falling asleep straight away.


?¿ = Tokio hotel is touring here you know, they just done a concert down at ******* Arena.

!¡ = shit really? Why are they here now? I'll just stay indoors for now, how long are they here for?

?¿ = a month I think

!¡ = A WHOLE MONTH? Shit.


Another short one will be a bit long so get ready 😉

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