chapter 7

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(layna's pov)

After the mason had bolted, my heart dropped into my stomach. 

I was so worried that Julien wouldn't catch him or that he would get hit by a car. 

I can't believe that he would be so reckless to run towards a main road. 

When we got home Julien looked at me and gave me a small smile. 

This is the first time that we are punishing him, i don't want him to leave, i want him to realize that we want what's best for him.

I grabbed mason from julien and walked upstairs to the bedroom. 

I put mason in his feet in front of me "listen to me mason" i grabbed his hands and gently rubbed his knuckles "you did a very bad thing today, do you know what you did?" he shook his head no. 

I sighed and calmly explained what he had done. "When I opened your door you bolted for a busy road and almost got hit by a car" i told him and looked at him. 

"please no spankings, i didn't mean to" he rushed out.

It's like he knew what was going to happen, but I still had to explain it to him, it's a part of my own personal routine.

I placed him in my lap and held one of his hands. 

"I am going to spank you, you did something that almost got you killed today, neither me nor Julien are happy with you" I spoke calmly. 

Mason looked a little scared, but i know that if i don't do this he's gonna keep thinking his actions are okay. 

I made sure that mason was ready and that he knew I was only doing this because I loved him.

I gently pulled down the young boy's shorts followed by his boxers. 

I gave mason a minute and then started spanking him, it wasn't a lot, only ten. 

When all was said and done he was full of sobbing. 

"im sorry, i promise i won't ever do it again, please don't make me leave" he sobbed out and hugged me tight, still naked from the waist down. 

I sighed and gently rocked him, I assured him that i would never make him leave and neither would julien.

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