chapter 5

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We got to my floor and I went to set him down but he started whining making me realize that the young boy had fallen asleep. 

I carried him to my office and started working with him on my lap so he could continue to sleep. Hopefully he will wake up less grumpy. 

Boy was I wrong, Mason woke up crying because of a nightmare and was being a holy terror. He was screaming and crying, he was throwing a temper tantrum and I was not having it.

I pulled mason onto my lap and held him still so he would calm down, he started screaming again and i put a paci in his mouth so he would stop. 

He had been sitting with me pouting because I told him he couldn't take the paci out until he started acting right.

Now I know that someone's little space causes them to act like a child. Which also means that said person would throw tantrums and not follow rules as well as being rude and cursing, but that doesnt mean Mason can do whatever he wants. 

I forced Mason to sit facing me and calmly explained to him that he was going to stand in the corner for ten minutes. 

I explained why he was going to the corner and what was going to happen when he was done. He was very excited to know that we were going to get lunch and meet a friend.

Mason thinks we are going to meet a friend of mine but in all reality my husband got back from a work trip today and wanted to see us, i didn't tell mason i was married because Julien wanted mason to be able to form his own opinion, now it doesn't really matter if mason likes julien or not because that's my husband.

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