Chapter 31

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It took mommy and daddy a while to get the door open and I think the door frame got alittle messed up.

(Layna's pov)

It took forever for us to open the door, we had to use a butter knife and it ruined the door frame, but we got the door opened and there sat our baby boy. He had snot dripping from his nose and he was waiting for us to come in. i dont know what happened and right now my main priority is comforting Mason.

I walked in and picked up the young boy "hey baby. It's okay, mommy and daddy are here." I spoke as I gently smoothed his curly hair. Mason sighed and put his head on my shoulder and held Julien's two fingers.

We were all snuggled up on the couch and mason was trying to eat his fingers, of course. I leaned over to grab a paci and pulled his fingers away making him cry, great my baby boy is so small he can't rationalize his feelings.

I can't believe that we made him this way. We made him feel this way, we scared him so bad that he slipped farther than he ever has before. I looked at him as he sucked on his paci and gently messed with his curls that were in his face.

Three days have passed since the incident in the bedroom and Julien hasnt talked to me in two days. I honestly dont know what's going on with Jay but I have a feeling it's got alot to do with what happened in the bedroom that night. I dont want to but as Jay's dominant, I'm going to have to force him to talk. He hates it when I do that but I have to. I can't keep living in silence with my own husband. 

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