chapter 21

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We rushed Mason into the doctor's office and they took us straight back so they could stop his nose from bleeding. Thank god because his shirt was covered in bed and he was going to need new shoes. 

I guess this means that we are taking another day off work so we could get mason some new shoes and just spend the day with him. After what happened I would feel terrible going to work while he has a broken nose. Layna, me and mason all started the drive home, we decided to skip the shoe store today, we figured that he could just wear his socks and be fine. 

(Layna’s pov) 

As soon as we got home I got Mason some pain medicine and a nice warm baba to try and soothe him alittle. I sat on the couch and held mason while i gave him his baba, letting him fall asleep as he drank his milk. 

Mason fell asleep and so i set him on the floor in the living room so he wouldnt fall off the couch again because as much as i love mason and julien, i do not want another trip to the doctors office today.

Me and Jay were thinking about waking Mason up since it had been two hours and he needed to take some pain medicine. Jay told me that I could try but said that he would just let him sleep.

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