chapter 70

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I stepped out of the office to call jay and i seen Mason stand up, i stormed over to him and pulled his pants down,

"Are you done acting a fool?" I said as I spanked him harshly a few times.

I dont know if he is testing my patience or if he is trying out his sub side but either way his behavior is unacceptable.

I had pulled his pants back up and gave him some love, told him I loved him but he had to stop with his attitude.

He was sitting in the chair pouting with tears streaming down his face, he looked like an angry teenager.

When Jay walked in he said that he loved me and gave me a kiss before dragging mason out of the restaurant by his arm, mason had his head down and you could tell that jay was pissed.

(Julien's POV)

Thank god that I was done with work because this boy is in a shit ton of trouble.

He may not be little but he can't act up whenever he wants. When Preston called I knew that it was something he didnt know how to handle.

Preston is a dom but he didnt want to deal with mason because we havent talked about how their relationship would work when mason isnt big, a dom and sub relationship, and preston didnt want to hurt mason.

I dragged Mason out to the car by his arm and stormed over to my side before getting in.

"What were you hinking? Are you out of your mind?" I said as we drove down the road home.

"I wasnt feeling little today, I was feeling my subspace and i acted out" he said matter of factly like it was okay.

"When we get home i want you to go straight to the corner, had preston not spanked you at the restaurant you would be getting spanked" i told him as we stopped at a red light.

I looked over at him and said, "I suggest you get rid of this attitude of your mason" I told him calmly. 

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