chapter 9

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I don't know what this boy has been through, but I know that he is going to be the perfect little for me and Layna. 

This is what we've always wanted, me and Layna have always wanted a little boy to call our own, as dominants we both agreed that having kids isn't something that we wanted, but we wanted a submissive that relied on us as much as a child would.

I know it may not make a lot of sense, but it makes sense to me and Layna. 

This is the happiest I've seen her in a long time, obviously not right now because she just punished our sweet boy.

I was sitting down stairs waiting for the all clear from Layna to go upstairs. 

When I got the text that I could come up, I got Mason a sippy cup with some apple juice and I got Layna a small glass of wine. 

The closer and closer I got to the bedroom, I could hear Mason's quiet cries. 

I walked into the bedroom, handing my wife both of the drinks i had prepared, smiling when i noticed mason was watching the sippy cup.

I looked at Mason and was a little nervous to ask if I could hold him. 

I haven't had any time to bond with him yet and I really wanted to have a connection with him.

 I took a second and asked him if I could hold him, he looked at me and smiled before nodding.

Since Mason was now wearing his boxers again, I decided to stand and hold him like a baby. 

He started falling asleep not long after I gave him his sippy cup.

 All though it wasn't that simple, now that my baby was asleep and wouldn't let me set him down i pretty much had to stay here.

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