chapter 11

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We couldn't figure out what to do with the boy. 

I walked into the bedroom and headed straight for the boy, I picked him up and popped his bottom causing him to stop screaming and just lay his head on my shoulder. 

I quickly got him dressed and into the car so me and Jay could get to work. 

I don't really know why he was screaming, I know that it was unnecessary and uncalled for but I don't know if there was something going on with him that he couldn't communicate. 

Since it was just me and Mason I decided to try to talk to him about what happened this morning. 

I looked at him through the rearview mirror really quickly and saw him crying while looking out the window, "hey bubba?" i asked waiting for a response. 

When Mason didn't answer me, I pulled the car over. 

I knew something was wrong and I wasn't going to go to work until me and my baby boy figured things out real quick. 

After I pulled over I got out of the driver's seat and went into the back with him, I immediately pulled him into my lap and held him.

 I rubbed his back and rocked him for a minute before trying to talk to him again "bubba, what's going on? Talk to me hunny" and that was it. 

He just started sobbing. 

I sat in the back seat and held him, he started talking but i couldn't understand him, it was like a baby was talking. 

How did I not notice that my baby had finally slipped into his little space, probably for the first time and he was probably scared,  Now I understand what happened this morning. 

I rocked Mason to sleep and put him in the passenger seat so he could have the physical touch he desperately needed. 

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