Chapter 25

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The look on daddy’s face was one I never want to see again. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen pulling me in between his legs and yanking down my shorts and boxers. Oh no, oh no. i dont want spankings. I started crying as he rained terror on my butt. He spanked me one last time and pulled me up, pulling up my boxers but not my shorts. He held me infront of him and made me look at him, he wasnt being overly harsh or anything i promise. “You young man will never and i mena never speak to your momm like that again. Do you understand me?” I quickly nodded and looked at him, “I'm sorry daddy!” he sighed and gave me a quick hug. 

(Julien’s pov) 

This poor boy must have lost his mind, calling his mommy stupid and yelling, a big no no in my book. After his spanking he started bawling his eyes out. I could tell that my baby had fell back into his head space, i could also tell that he felt really bad. 

I picked Mason up and brought him to the living room, “me and this little boy are going to take a nap. Would you like to join us?” I asked Layna as she looked at our little boy. Poor thing probably thought he could get away with testing our patience because of his broken nose. 

Me, Mason and Layna all walked upstairs to our bedroom and laid down for a nap, i looked at Mason and sighed, he didnt apoligize to Layna “hunny, can you say sorry to mommy?” I asked gently to move some of his curls out of his face. Mason lisped out a sorry around his paci and smiled wide giving Layna a kiss which shocked us both. 

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