Chapter 47

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The next morning consisted of me carrying Mason around the house and Mason whining because he was in pain but wouldn't take the medicine. I was almost dressed when i realized that we both had to go into the office today, i was at a loss, i dont know what he would do.

I sat down with Mason on the couch and looked at him, "bubba, do you want to stay home today" he slowly nodded and looked at me "then i need to call a babysitter" i spoke slowly so he would understand and then stepped out of the room. Since I stepped out of the room I decided to call Peyton. He was the only person that I trusted.

I dialed his phone number and waited for him to answer, "hello?" I feel terrible, he just woke up "hey Peyton, i know that it's short notice but can you come over and Watch Mason please?" i asked him waiting for an answer "um sure, do you and Jay both have full day's" i sighed and was getting nervous about leaving Mason, ive never left him before. I hung up the phone after telling Peyton that we would be home at about two, maybe three.

I walked back to the living room and Mason was asleep, i decided not to wake him up, instead i got his paci putting it right next to him, i went to the kitchen and made him a baba for later, this was really hard for me to do as his mommy, ive always taken him with me to work. 

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