chapter 22

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My poor baby just can't seem to catch a break today. First Jay rolled over on top of him and then he face planted breaking his nose of course ruining his shoes as well. I feel so bad for him, maybe some take out would make him feel better. I dont know what masons like for take out but usually we get either chinese or pizza from the place down the street. 

I walked over to Mason and gently rubbed his back attempting to soothe him awake. I was prepared this time. I had his paci, baba and a teddy ready incase he woke up upset. He didnt need his baba but he did wake up alittle teary looking for his paci, i put his paci in his mouth and picked him up bringing him to the couch with me and Jay. 

I sat mason between me and his daddy so that he could have contact with both of us without feeling claustrophobic. Mason was holding Jays hand and put his head on my shoulder, i dont think he was little so now might be a good time to talk to him about our relationship. 

I lookedat mason and grew alittle nervous “hey bubba?” i said as i looked down at 

Him: “Yes momma?” He asked, sounding like a big boy, I guess it was better to be super sure than to start a conversation with little mason instead of my big boy “are you a big boy?” I asked just to ease my mind. Mason looked at me really nervous and nodded before looking between Julien and i. 

I sighed and continued what I was saying, “alright baby, me and your daddy want you to be our little boy. We also want you to be our boyfriend.” I paused for a second letting him process “me and Julien want you to be ours and only ours, you would be our boyfriend and our little boy, we would go on dates to please both sides of you and we would spoil you with the world”. 

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