chapter 3

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I picked us both up off the ground and sat in my chair, holding him and rocking him back and forth until he felt like he was ready to communicate with me. 

"I'm sorry I broke some of your stuff" he said softly, "Layna, my name's Layna. But you can call me ma'am." he nodded gently and I told him to use his words. 

This boy had clearly been misguided probably his whole life, he needed someone to guide him in the right direction, even if he was big.

I brought the young boy to my house, of course I had to wake him up because he fell asleep. He hasn't quite slipped into his head space yet, but I don't mind getting to know him. 

I woke him up and got a little complaining and a whine out of him but he got out of the car and pouted while walking into MY house, he didn't wait for permission and he didn't ask if it was okay. 

I stopped outside and watched him "don't you think it would have been polite of you to ask permission before entering someone's home?" He stopped walking and turned around slowly before walking outside with me and grabbing my hand.

I walked with him inside as gently as I could, leading him to the living room where he could sit and wait for dinner and watch television. 

He didn't want anything to do with the television, as soon as I left he was right there behind me. I could tell what was going on as I walked around my room getting some comfortable clothes, watched me get undressed and he didn't even stare at me in a gross way. 

He looked at me like he had never seen a woman before. Yes i got undressed in front of him, he isn't going to go anywhere. He's mine.

Me and mason were sitting on the couch eating pizza per his request. After the movie was over I looked over to the boy and saw that he was asleep, but he needed a bath. 

This boy was gross, he had dirt all over him and he smelled. I guess he could wait until tomorrow but did I really want him to sleep like that. Did I really want to wake him up? No.

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