Chapter 37

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After Peyton left, Jay looked alittle disappointed as he walked away. Me and Jay have always liked Peyton but we never thought it would go anywhere and now that we have Mason we dont want Mason to feel like we are leaving him for someone else. Maybe Peyton could be a part of the relationship.

I dont know, I want to talk to both of my boys first to make sure that they are okay with it. This was crazy, can we really do this? I dont know, it's going to be really different, but maybe we could a trip to see how we work together, that sounds like a good idea, i mean ive been wanting to go out of town anyway. I'll talk to Jay tonight when we get home.

Since Peyton was the manager as well as the owner, we didnt have to pay for dinner tonight. I was deep in thought when I heard Mason start crying. I sighed and looked down at the boy, "hey bubba, what's going on" he just kept crying, i tried his paci, his baba and even tried his juice. Which he isnt usually allowed to have this late. He just wouldnt stop crying.

I started to gently bounce him up and down when I figured out why he was crying, usually right now he was in his bouncer getting ready for bed, his bouncer is usually where he falls asleep before we move him to his crib. I smiled and looked down at the sleeping boy that had fallen asleep. My poor baby was jsut tired, i can't blame him for getting fussy. 

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