I had no clue that he was struggling like that, Preston is such a sweet guy and he doesnt deserve half the stuff that he has had to go through. Preston had pressed play on the movie and for the first time in a while we were happy, of course we were happy with mason but it's good to have alone time.
The movie was over and we were going to bed but we couldn't actually go to sleep without mason. It felt weird not to have Mason in bed with us so we never actually let him sleep in his own room. Not only did it feel weird but it also helped Mason sleep through the night.
Since I went to get the baby, Preston went downstairs to make his baba. It was like a system, one that I never had with Layna. I dont regret ever leaving Layna, there were thing's in the divorce that she got and there were things that I wanted to keep, I got everything I wanted and so did she.
I had to go back to work tomorrow and Preston had to go to the restaurant. Preston said that he would take the baby tomorrow since I had a bunch of meeting's and didn't want Mason to get antsy. In the morning i left before the other two which meant that i had to be extremely quiet, if mason woke up he wouldn't go back to sleep.

He's Our's
RomancePREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS HE'S MINE. i decided to rewrite and give this story a whole new story line, for some of my readers they seen that i was going to do this on the story that got deleted for all the new comers, your not missing much. this story ge...