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a few months went by and minho and i still haven't talked to each other. him and madison become more open to the public by doing couple things together which didn't bother me as much as it did before. honestly, i think i'm moving on. i just miss my bestfriend.

everyone else's love life seemed to be flourishing though.

but being single and not fussing over a boy has really worked out for me. i thought i liked the chase and the relationship things but maybe i don't. i was doing better than ever.

when i finally found myself again my health and my skin got better, and my grades. they skyrocketed ever since i started to invest in myself.

currently, i was leaving for the class camping trip because of some guy ocean park who invited us there. even though the trip was only two days i packed what i would consider light. a suitcase and a duffel bag.

once i got to the bus, i loaded my things on and talked with yuri. soon i saw minho, dae, kitty, and q walking up to load their things in too. madison and some other girls were screaming about ocean park, the guy who invited us to help clean up his grandmothers village.

once madison saw minho she immediately went up to him and jumped in his arms. he wrapped his arms around her legs.

"ocean park played her mysterious step son on a song of an enchanted river amulet" madison said. "and principal lim agreed to cancel the ski weekend, so we could go to his grandmas village instead!" she exclaimed.

yuri and i nodded and madison got off of him. "principal lim wants to keep my dad happy so she'll agree to anything i want" she said. "sounds fun" i smiled. "you know?" yuri asked, "of course" she said.

"how else do you think she gets everything she wants" i mumbled, only loud enough for yuri to hear me. "it's the only reason i got into this school in the first place. your mom is very good at pulling strings" she said. "yeah, usually for the evil" yuri replied.

minho and i made eye contact and i decided that was my cue to leave. yuri and i sat on the bus together. "you guys seem less awkward in the same room" yuri said. "yeah? you should see the chem class labs that require partners. not a single word spoken and a lot of glancing" i scoffed.

"has he tried to reach out to you at all?" she asked. "he stopped awhile ago. i think he's finally over me." i sighed. "that's good, right?" she asked. "i don't know anymore" i groaned.

a bit into the trip yuri stood up and asked this random guy to trade places with her to sit next to dae. "oh hell no" i said quickly standing up and going to sit next to eunice who was at the back with the other girls.

once we got out of the bus, eunice and i decided we'd room together since yuri and kitty were together. once we got in our tent and started unpacking i sat down on the bed and groaned.


once nightfall hit i snuck onto the bus and called my mom. "i thought you said you were camping?" she asked. "yeah, but there's no wifi in our tents" i replied. "oh" she said. "tell ocean i say hi" she says.

"i could tell he'd turn out pretty successful" she said again. "pretty successful? he has 20 million followers, mom!" i exclaimed. "oh, really?" she said, "okay, so tell me everything"

"i've decided i'm gonna give madison a chance. i'm gonna try dating her. she worships me" i said. "that's when she was chasing after you. now that she's caught you..." she trailed off.

"don't worry. i've got the upper hand here, not her" i replied, thinking about y/n.

it's as if she read my mind, she mentioned y/n. "how are things between you guys? is she still not talking to you?" she asked. "yeah. she seems to be doing good without me though. i think i really broke her or something. she doesn't talk a lot like she used to and she seems upset all the time" i said.

"you definitely changed her. her mom and i were talking about it. she really liked you you know? she was it for you. you let a good one get away" she says. "but she's doing good. her mom says she's been working on herself and doing something... what's it called?" she muttered.

"protecting her peace" she said. "yeah apparently all of her walls are back up and she refuses to let anyone back in"

"huh. i'm gonna go now, curfew is coming up" i said.

i walked back to the tent and laid down in the bed next to dae. "how's your mom?" he asked switching languages, "she's alright." i replied. "and y/n?" i sighed. i didn't even know what to think about it anymore.

"i don't know" i groaned. "she stopped replying to my messages, and i think i want to date madison, but i don't know if i like y/n still" i rambled. "hold on, you want to date madison? minho, mr doesn't do relationships, wants something more than flirting?" dae asked, shocked.

"haha very funny, dae." i rolled my eyes. "as for y/n, what i can say is that i've heard she isn't doing as good as you think" he said. my heart skipped a beat, she isn't okay?

"she's doing this whole protecting her peace thing but it's really just her closing herself off even more. she's like a studying machine now. never goes out like she used to and she's always in her dorm studying. kitty said sometimes she doesn't eat. i just think she doesn't want to be left with her thoughts for too long because she'll start thinking of you"

i stayed silent for a bit, feeling bad that i had caused this. but can i really feel bad if i'm gonna give madison a chance?

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