The Eradicator

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It's been a long, dreadful night for Samantha. The first night in ages that her husband has willingly let her out of the house again. She was restricted to the house for the past two months for trying to escape him the last time they were out.

She doesn't know what to do with herself in this bar. Not allowed to come alone, her husband is here and he's sitting right next to her at the bar. She doesn't want to dance, she just wants to get drunk and forget who she is for a little while. Or, at least, who she's become.

"Slow down on the drinks babe," Jordan states impatiently.

He has a growl in his voice, one that would normally frighten her, if it weren't for the five vodka straights she's downed. This time, she finds it amusing and giggles. This makes him frown more.

"The fuck you find so funny?" He whispers in her ear, putting a hand on her thigh and gripping so hard she winces.

"Let go of me Jordan." She slurs.

"Don't you ever tell me what to do, you dumb whore."

That's the last straw of the night. Without thinking it through, Samantha grabs her glass and throws what's left of her vodka in his face. People around them gasp, and he looks down at his wet shirt as the bartender hands him a napkin.

"You just made a huge mistake, bitch." He whispers again.

Jordan slowly cleans himself up and she see anger flooding his eyes. His cheeks turn red and all she can think about is the desire to take back what she had done. She knows better than to run, he's faster than her and it will only make things worse. Only expecting him to take her home for her beating, Samantha gasps when he grabs a fistful of her hair and begins to drag her out of the bar.

As they cross to the back door she's struggling against him, tears burning at the corners of her eyes from the pain in her scalp.

"Please no! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She cries making an even bigger scene.

Nobody seems to care when he tosses her out the back door onto the ground. The door shuts behind him and Samantha watches in horror as he unhooks his belt buckle and slips it out of the loops of his jeans.

"Here I thought you had learned your lesson." He groans and wraps part of it around his right hand.

Samantha screams and instinctively covers her face as her husband swings the belt through the air and onto her back. The pain is unreal, unbearable. He doesn't let up as she lays there crying and folding in on herself. His lashes get stronger, covering every inch of her body.  Between the searing pain she feels everywhere and the vodka she drank, her screams turn into sobs and her sobs turn into silent cries as everything begins to go black and she fights for consciousness.

She doesn't hear the bar door open, or the shouting of her husband for someone to let the fuck go of him. She blinks her eyes, noticing the lashes are finished and her head rolls to the side. Samantha sees a buff figure of a woman leaning over her husband, punching him over and over in the face as he lies on his back, bloodied and bruised. She doesn't understand what she's seeing as the woman stops, throwing her head back and running her fingers through her short black hair.

The woman walks over to Samantha and she looks up at her eyes. They're surrounded by black and purple eyeshadow, she has a slit in her eyebrow and piercings in her nose. Suddenly, everything goes black again as Samantha succumbs to unconsciousness.

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