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Another week passes by. It was filled with last-minute wedding planning. From dress shopping to cake tasting and venue picking. The two ultimately decided on a relatively private wedding, with professional photographers so they can tease fans afterward, of course.

"Who should we invite?" Sam asks.

"How about just our families and close friends?" Rhea replies in a grunt as she lifts weights.

"You should invite your family for sure. And what about Dom, Finn and Damian? They should come too."

"That's a great idea. But hey..what about your family? Do I get to meet them finally?" Rhea asks as she sits up and goes to put the weights away.

Sam grabs a set of her own and takes Rhea's old spot, lying back to lift. Rhea stands behind her and stretches some as she watches.

"Well...my parents died when I was little. My sister and I bounced around foster homes until we were 18. We never found a new permanent family." Sam grunts as she lifts.

Rhea frowns. "I'm sorry, Sweetness. I had no idea. What about your sister? Where is she?"

"I have no idea." Sam admits before sitting up, "she warned me about Jordan. She could tell he was crazy. I wouldn't listen. So when he started beating me and I married him anyway, she told me not to come crying to her and stopped answering my calls. I don't even know if she still has the same number."

Rhea's jaw drops.

"Your own sister?"

Sam doesn't respond and goes to another weight machine and continues her workout in silence. Rhea can see in the change in her demeanor that the loss of her sister is really bothering her. She starts yanking on the weights, dangerously to herself.

"Hey, slow down and take smooth movements okay? You'll hurt yourself like that." Rhea says.

"Yeah well maybe I deserve it." Sam snaps before getting up, grabbing her towel and storming to the showers.

Rhea sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. An idea pops in mind and she grabs her phone, texting The Judgment Day members in a private group chat.

SOS. Meet at my place tonight AFTER 4:30. Sam will be out by then.

Damian replies back, Should we be worried?


Rhea walks to the showers and hears quiet sobs coming from the single one in use. She sighs and steps in behind Sam, still fully clothed, and wraps her arms around her from behind. Sam melts into her embrace and Rhea allows her to cry it out. No shushing, no talking, just support as Sam sobs in her arms.

*later that evening*

"Are you sure you're okay with no coming, babe? I just wanted the decorations to be a surprise." Sam asks for the thousandth time.

"I'm sure, Sweetness. Go on, now. Have fun!" Rhea says.

Sam gives her a quick kiss before climbing into Rhea's truck and driving away. No sooner than she leaves, Damian's car comes from around the opposite corner and pulls into the driveway.

The three guys get out of the car and follow Rhea inside.

"So what's going on?" Finn asks impatiently.

"Yeah you're not breaking up are you?" Dom asks.

Rhea shakes her head. "No I need your help and NONE of this can get back to Sam. Got it?" She asks, her eyes narrowing on Dominik.

He puts his hands up in defense. "Hey! I can keep a secret." He says.

Rhea scoffs as if to say "yeah right" before she fills the guys in on Sam's sister.

"You want us to track down Sam's sister to bring her to the wedding?" Damian asks.

"Is that a good idea? Just based on how they left off?" Finn asks next.

"Yes! You should have seen her guys. She was destroyed by it. We need to find this girl and let her make up with Sam. What a better time than at her wedding?"

"What if she doesn't want to?" Dom asks.

Rhea's eyes snap to him. "Her saying no is not an option."

The guys shrug and they set to work looking up anyone they can find named Thea with the same last name as Sam, with a similar story. Easy enough, right? Wrong.

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