The Visit

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Sam is wiggling around in the kitchen to Motionless in White. She's wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt as she scrambles some eggs and fries bacon.

Rhea walks in yawning and rubs at her neck. She leans in the doorway and grins at the sight. She can see Sam's ass sticking out from under her shirt every time she wiggles.

"Only you could dance like that to this band." Rhea chuckles.

Sam jumps and spins around, looking at Rhea with a huge smile and a blush on her cheeks.

"I didn't hear you come in. How was the gym?" She says and turns the music down.

"I just got back. It was good." She says.

"You look exhausted. Come eat and we'll rest for a while." Sam says as she turns back around and fixes Rhea a plate.

Rhea walks over to her, wraps her arms around her from behind and kisses her neck.

"What if I want you for breakfast?" She whispers in her ear.

A shiver runs down Sam's spine and she bites her lip before replying.

"I don't think we'd stop if we started. And you have a long afternoon ahead of you with meetings and virtual interviews."

Rhea kisses her shoulder.

"But what if I say I'm sick? They'll reschedule."

"Babe. You're not losing your job to have sex with me all day." She says and turns in Rhea's arms to hand her a plate.

"I'll make you a deal. You get through today, and when we get to the hotel tonight you can have your way with me all day tomorrow until your match." Sam grins.

Rhea bites her lip at the thought and takes the plate. "Deal."

Sam smiles and fixes herself a plate as Rhea goes to sit down at the island to eat. Sam's phone rings and she sets her plate down to look at it. It's a number she doesn't recognize.

She grand her phone and answers the call.


"This is a collect call from ____ County Prison. Do you accept this call?"

Suddenly her heart sinks. The room spins and she starts shaking a little as there's only one person who would be calling her from prison.

Rhea looks up and frowns.

"Who is it, Sweetness?"

"Y-Yes." Sam finally says as she puts the phone on speaker and sets it on the counter.

"Surprise surprise. I knew you couldn't resist me." That sinister voice sounds over the phone.

Rhea drops her fork on her plate and stands, her shoulders squaring up as she balls her fists.

"What do you want?" Rhea asks.

"Oh you survived. Bummer." He says.

"I'm hanging up." Rhea says and reaches for the phone.

"If you hang up Samantha's dead. And don't think I can't reach her."

"You know these calls are recorded." Sam finally speaks up.

"Not this one babe. Now listen. I want you to come see me. And before you say no, I want you to remember the name Jason Anderson. You remember him right babe?"

Sam pales as she looks like she's seen a ghost. Rhea looks over at her and raises an eyebrow.

"She's not coming to see you and that's the end of this conversation. Don't call her again." Rhea says as she hangs up the phone.

Sam drops to the floor and pulls her knees to her chest. She drops her head on them and shakes violently.

"Babe! Hey...what is it? Who is he?" Rhea asks as she drops to her knees and takes Sam's small body in her arms.

"He's one of the ones that raped me that night. He...was the roughest one and Jordan would call him to watch me if he had to go out of town. He'd beat me too.."

Rhea sighs and kisses her head.

"He's not getting to you. I promise. And you're not going to see Jordan. Understood?"

Sam sighs.

"Can we move?" She asks.

Rhea runs her fingers through Sam's hair.

"If you would feel safer, we can. But babe I don't want you to feel like you have to run. We can call the police and get a restraining order."

"No don't worry about it."

With that, Rhea helps her up and the two finish their breakfast before Rhea retreats to the living room for a nap on the couch.

Sam watches her sleep for a minute before going upstairs and getting dressed. She sneaks back downstairs and quietly grabs Rhea's keys before sneaking out the door.

She gets in the car and makes her way to the prison Jordan's in. The only thing she can think about is Jason and how she desperately wants to protect not only herself, but Rhea from him.

Sam makes her way inside and goes through the process of security before sitting at a table and waiting. When they bring Jordan in, shackled like he was at the courthouse, she feels a pang of regret. They lock his hands to the table and go back to guarding the doors.

Jordan looks at her through two black eyes, one barely open. With bruises forming on his face, neck and arms.

"Turns out they don't take kindly to wife beaters in here." He says.

"What do you want Jordan?"

"I just wanted to see you. To tell you I'm sorry." He says quietly.

Sam frowns.

"You threatened to have me killed not but an hour ago and now you're apologizing?"

"I didn't know how else to get you here. I just wanted you to know I'm sorry. And that I'll leave you alone from now on. I just wanted to say it in person." He says.

Sam looks at the battered man in front of her. She feels a tug at her heart that she can't explain. A part of her that still feels for him. She sighs and looks down.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. I just wanted to tell you that. Goodbye Sam." He says and motions at the guard.

Sam watches as they unlock his chains from the table and lead him away. He doesn't look back at her as she sits there in utter confusion.

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