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Sam shuts the shower water off and grabs the towel Rhea gave her. She dries off, almost folding at the softness. Grabbing the outfit Rhea gave her, she realizes she doesn't have a bra to wear with the t-shirt. She doesn't wear them with dresses so she didn't have one on last night. Sighing, she pulls the t-shirt on and can't help but chuckle a little when she realizes it's big enough to be a mini dress on her. Am I that short?

Sam holds the pants Rhea gave her up and decides not to wear them. They'd just fall off and she hates the feeling of denim. She folds them back up and sets them down on the counter with the belt before leaving the bathroom to find the kitchen.

She almost gets lost in the maze of a house she's in, until she starts to smell the food cooking and follows her nose like a lost puppy. When she walks through the doorway she finds Rhea leaning over the stove scrambling eggs. She must have heard her walk in as she looks over her shoulder real fast before going back to scrambling.

"Hey ther-" She freezes before turning around fully.

Sam blushes as Rhea's eyes trail over her from head to toe. She clears her throat before turning back to the eggs.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, a slight difference in her voice that Sam can't make out.

"Better, thank you. And sorry I hope this is okay..I don't really like jeans." Sam replies.

"Yeah it's totally fine. We'll go get your things after breakfast."

Sam sits at one of the barstools at the kitchen island and sighs. She looks down at her hands and twiddles her thumbs.

"Out with it."

"What?" Sam asks, startled from her thoughts.

Rhea looks over her shoulder as she plates the eggs next to some bacon and hands Sam a plate.

"I can practically hear the gears spinning in your head." Rhea says.

"I just...I don't know if I want to face him. He'll put up a fight. He's not gonna let me go easy."

Rhea nods and takes a bite of her food nonchalantly.

"Well, lucky for you, neither will I."

Sam finds her cheeks flushing again. Why? She doesn't know. She's never been into women. But this woman? There's something about her.

"You're so much different than your character." Sam blurts.

Rhea's chewing slows and she looks down at her plate, pushing her eggs around. Sam feels bad, it looks as though she might have offended her. Great. Now she's not going to want to help you. Good going, idiot!

"The thing is, Sam..I am and I'm not. Rhea is a character, but I live through her. Few people even call me Demi. She has a confidence that I don't."

A wave of shitty emotions flood over Sam. She's upset the one person who's ever seemed to care about her even in the slightest through her whole situation. She could have ignored what happened at the bar, but she didn't. She saved her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I just meant...well...you're really sweet." Sam blushes again as Rhea looks back up with a smirk on her face.

"Oh and Mami's not ever sweet?"

"Not unless you're Dom Dom." Sam replies immediately.

"Impressive, you do watch." Rhea chuckles before the two finish their food.

Sam stands grabbing her plate and reaches for Rhea's but is stopped by the woman gently placing her hand over hers.

"I've got them."

"Nonsense, you cooked." Sam replies and grabs her plate anyway.

She goes to the sink behind Rhea and begins to wash the dishes. She hears the barstool squeak as Rhea turns in it and flushes as she can almost feel her staring at her.

"How anyone could hurt you is beyond imaginable." Rhea mumbles.

Sam blushes.

"It's my fault, really. I-"

Sam is stopped when she feels strong hands gripping her shoulders to spin her around. She gasps and has flashbacks. Tears start to fill her eyes and when Rhea notices she takes a step back to give her space.

"Don't ever make excuses for that. I don't care if you threw a drink at him. You didn't deserve what he did. You could never deserve what he did."

Her words make Sam relax and she gives a slight nod, but the tears keep rolling down her face. Only now the tears are less about the flashbacks and more about the fact that she is standing in Rhea Ripley's kitchen, practically half-naked, getting a pep talk from her.

"Now. Do you want to go get your things?"

Sam nods and the two set out of the house and get into Rhea's car. Nothing is said the whole way there as Sam contemplates making her turn back. What if they get in too deep? What if he seriously hurts Rhea?

What if he kills us both?

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