The Fight

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The next morning Sam is sitting cross-legged on the bed, filling out divorce papers on Rhea's laptop as she waits for the wrestler to wake up. It's surprisingly late, but she had a long and tiring match the night before, so she's letting her sleep. Suddenly the MacBook chimes with a message from Rhea's phone from Buddy Matthews.

Hey gorgeous.

Sam tilts her head and smiles in confusion. It's weird he would text Rhea something like that after, what, a year of being broken up? Another chime.

I miss you already.

With that, Sam feels herself getting jealous. Why does he miss her? What does he mean by already? She and Sam have been seeing each other for nearly a month. There's no way she and buddy would have...right?

"Rhea." Sam says as she nudges her girlfriend.

Rhea groans and rolls over.

"What time is it?" She asks.

"Ten after ten and time for you to explain yourself." Sam replies angrily.

Rhea jumps up.

"What?! Why didn't you wake me?!" She shouts and starts running around to change into her gym clothes.

"Stop running around and listen to me!" Sam says but Rhea doesn't hear her as she jumps into her shorts.

"I have to get to the gym. You coming?"

"Demi Bennett STOP!" Sam shouts as loud as she can.

Rhea stops at hearing her full, real name, and looks at her girlfriend in confusion. She sees the tears in her eyes and grows concerned.

"What's wrong, Sweetness?" She asks and steps closer.

"You tell me." She says and turns the laptop towards her with the messages from Buddy showing.

Rhea frowns as she reads them.

"What the hell is this?" She asks.

"So how long have you been fucking him?" Sam asks.

Rhea's eyes snap up to hers and furrows her brows.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Sam replies.

"First of all, I'm offended you would even fucking ask. Second of all, I'm not fucking Buddy I'm not even seeing him."

"Then why is he texting you this Rhea?!" Sam shouts.

"I don't know, Sam! He's being weird!" Rhea replies.

Sam slams the computer screen shut and stands from the bed. She silently pulls her clothes on and turns away from Rhea as she starts for the door.

"Sam!" Rhea says and grabs her wrist.

Sam uses the self defense move Damian showed her on her to free herself before storming out of the room.

Rhea runs to the door and hollers after her.

"Sam I'm telling you I'm not cheating on you!"

She sees people start to poke their heads into the hallway nosily as Sam disappears around the corner. She sighs and storms back into the room, grabbing her phone and dialing Buddy.

He answers almost immediately.

"Rhea? What are you-"

"Where do you get off on texting me like that?!" She shouts into the phone.

"Ow damn! What are you talking about?" He asks.

"'Hello gorgeous I miss you already'?! What the fuck does that mean Buddy?!" She asks.

A small pause from the other end.

"I sent that to you?" He asks.

"Yes you idiot and my girlfriend saw it!"

"That wasn't meant for you Rhea I- did you say girlfriend?" He asks, easily distracted.

"That's not the point. She saw it and she's really pissed Buddy. I don't even know where she went." Rhea whines.

Buddy sighs before replying, "what if I tweet that it wasn't meant for you, you retweet it, and if she sees it she'll come back."

Rhea sighs, "that would be so awkward for the both of our fans.

"Yeah well it's either that or you call her twenty thousand times and she doesn't answer or believe you."

"I guess it is time to make it official."

"I'll send it now then." Buddy says.

The two hang up and Rhea paces the room, calling Sam over and over again until the tweet comes through on her timeline.

Sam, if you're out there and can see this. That text was not meant for Rhea. I meant it for someone else but sent it to her accidentally. She's not cheating.

Rhea immediately quotes the tweet and adds:

Sam, I love you. I promised I wouldn't break your heart and I meant that. Come back okay?

She sighs as confused fans immediately start tweeting her and Buddy. Some ask if they're getting back together. Others ask if a new WWE storyline is in the works. A few ask if she's dating someone new. She ignores them all and waits, hoping Sam sees her message. She texts her just to be safe:

Check my Twitter if you don't believe me.

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