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Sam walks out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, her wet hair tossed over her left shoulder. She hums and walks to her suitcase, kneeling down as she opens it only to find nothing there.

"Um. Rhea?" She calls.

A few seconds later Rhea comes walking into the bedroom.

"Yes, Sweetness?" She asks.

"Where are my clothes?"

"I hung your shirts and pants in the closet. The rest I put in the top drawer." Rhea replies with a smile.

Sam nods slightly, beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. Rhea senses this and steps forward.

"I'm sorry, did I overstep?" She asks.

"It's not that it's just...what are we doing? What is this? Are we...official?"

Rhea smiles again and tucks some of Sam's hair behind her ear.

"Only if you want to be. Do you want to be my girlfriend, Samantha?"

For some reason hearing Rhea say her full name nearly makes her knees buckle.

"Yes." She smiles.

Rhea takes Sam by the chin and kisses her passionately. Rhea lifts her up by her hips, and Sam wraps her legs around Rhea's waist. Their kiss doesn't break as Rhea makes her way to the bed and falls onto it straddling Sam.

An hour later the two find themselves at a bar. Sam feels a little out of place, remembering what happened the last time she was in a bar. Being with Rhea, though, she feels protected and safe. The two drink, dance and laugh about everything they can.

"Listen, I have to go out of town tomorrow." Rhea says as Sam grinds on her hips.

"I know. It's almost time for Raw." Sam can't help but pout a little and Rhea spins her to get her smiling again.

"I want you to come with me. If you want to." She says.

Sam smiles bigger, "And get to see Mami live in action? I'd love to."

Rhea smiles and plants a quick kiss on her lips before spinning her again.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

Sam nods and continues to dance as Rhea walks away. The uncomfortable feeling subsides as she feels the music. When a hand reaches through the crowd and grabs her wrist, she assumes it's Rhea as it's too dark in the room to tell. She smiles until said hand yanks her from the crowd and outside into the alley.

"Hey!" She shouts and recognizes her husband, Jordan, dragging her towards his car.

"It's about time you came home." He grumbles.

Panic starts to set in and she struggles against him. That is until she remembers Damian training her in the wring.

Smack his arm and jerk away.

Sam takes a deep breath, opens her free hand and smacks at his wrist as hard as she can and successfully jerks her wrist free. Jordan stops and looks at her in surprise.

"Someone's getting too close with the wrestling bitch." He mumbles and reaches for her hair.

Sam smacks his wrist away and goes to run but he trips her before kneeling over her.

Groin then legs.

She kicks him in the groin making him stumble back and uses both feet to kick his legs as hard as she can. The force makes his feet slip out from under him as she scrambles over top of him, straddles him and punches him square in the cheek.

Sam alternates fists, bloodying his face as she cries and pictures every time he ever abused her. A strong arm wraps around her waist and pulls her from him as she continues to swing.

"That's enough, Sweetness." Rhea whispers in her ear.

With her arms feeling like string cheese, Sam calms down and stops swinging. She's no long crying, no longer angry, just calm. Rhea doesn't let go of her waist. She just holds her from behind and kisses her cheek.

"I'm so proud of you." She says.

"I know what I want you to do." Sam replies as she stares down at her unconscious husband.

"Anything you want." Rhea replies.

"I want you to take me home and make love to me. Then I want you to help me divorce this bastard." Sam says.

"As you wish, Sweetness."

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