Till Death Do Us Part

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A/N: extreme violence and abuse in this one.

Sam watches as Rhea hangs the now-dry painting up in the bedroom. She smiles as she straightens it and steps back to admire it.

"I still can't believe you painted that. I wish I could post it." She says.

"I'll have to do another with your clothes on. Since nobody gets to see this much of you besides me." Sam teases.

Rhea laughs and sits next to her on the bed.

"Any plans for today?"

"Nope. Just your match later." Sam replies.

"Okay. When we go wear something...purple." Rhea smiles.

"Purple? That's oddly specific." Sam says suspiciously.

"It's gonna be a night you won't forget." Rhea smiles and kisses her cheek.

*skipping to that night*

Sam hums in Rhea's dressing room as she slips an outfit on that Rhea helped her pick out. She slips into the skin-tight black jeans, loops a black studded belt around her waist, and pulls on a purple sleeveless crop top before adding a black blazer over it. She then slides her feet into black heeled boots she borrowed from Rhea and adds the finishing touch - jewelry. She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles.

"No idea what's going on, but I look good." She smiles.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Sam opens it and finds someone completely unexpected standing on the other side. She freezes in her tracks, the blood rushing from her head to her feet. She doesn't even hear Rhea on the TV behind her.

...the new member of the Judgment Day will be someone that's going to rock your world. Like she rocks mine. My support. My love. My artist...Sammy Holloway!!

She doesn't hear people calling for her to come out. She can't hear the crowd screaming. She just watches as Jordan walks into the room and locks the door behind him.

"You didn't think it'd be that easy? Now I reckon we have about five minutes before someone comes looking for you. You know what I can do in five minutes, don't you Sam?"

Sam opens her mouth to scream but is instantly met with a hand slapping over it, silencing her.

"Now. You want to divorce me? Never see me again? Fine. But I'm gonna take what's mine first." He says.

Tears roll down Sam's cheeks and she squeezes her eyes shut as Jordan grips her hair and yanks her head back.

Jordan raises a fist and punches her as hard as he can twice in the same cheek. Sam can taste blood in her mouth and feels like a tooth might be loose now. Her yelps can't save her as she falls to the floor.

Jordan towers over her and kicks her in the stomach hard enough for her to hear a snap.

"Leave me for a fucking whore." He says and kicks her again.

Sam's screams, pleas for help and cries fill the room. She wonders how far people are. How come nobody can hear her.

Jordan grabs her by the hair, lifts her up and throws her across the vanity knocking everything off as she falls off the other side.

"If I ever see her again. I'll kill her." He grumbles.

With that, three male figures come running into the room just as Jordan tries to take off. Instead, he's met with fists, kicks and spit.

"Hold him down guys!" Damian shouts to Dom and Finn.

They hold him down and Damian kicks him in the groin so hard he likely won't be having babies in the future. They let go of him as security comes running in, hauling Jordan out of the room.

Dom turns to Sam who is still lying on the floor, unconscious and not breathing. He pumps on her chest, giving the best CPR he can muster.

Finn runs out of the room and runs out to the ring where Rhea is standing, hiding her confusion on why Sam hasn't come out. He whispers in her ear as the crowd roars with excitement.

Rhea's face immediately turns to fear and concern as she drops the mic with a thud and bolts out of the ring. She runs as fast as she can to the back where the medics are loading Sam on a stretcher.

Finn stays behind and tries to play off what just happened, selling a story to the crowd to keep them from knowing what just happened was real and not planned.

"Baby! Sam! Sweetness wake up!" Rhea shouts as she runs alongside the stretcher.

Paramedics resume performing CPR in the ambulance as they drive the two to the closest emergency room.

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