The Verdict

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A/N: mentions of rape


The trial continues for another day. The judge allowed them to set up a camera for Sam and Rhea to watch from home. Since Jordan is representing himself they didn't want a repeat of what happened.

They watch from Rhea's phone on the couch, Sam under Rhea's arm as they give closing arguments. Jordan goes first. He paints Sam as the violent villain. The instigator. The one who deserved everything she got because she would hit him first.

The prosecutor goes next. Painting Jordan for what he is. A monster. An abuser. A rapist. Sam flinches when she hears the word. Never having put into words that she was in fact raped that day. He then reminds the jury about what they witnessed when he attacked Rhea. Someone who didn't even do anything to him beforehand.

When the arguments are finished, the jury is excused to deliberate. The prosecutor turns the camera to himself.

"Don't worry. After the stunt he pulled? There's no way he's getting off."

Sam sighs and puts her head on Rhea's shoulder. Rhea holds her close and they wait anxiously for two hours before the jury returns to the courtroom. Sam is nervous. If they really had this in the bag why did it take so long to deliberate?

"Has the jury reached a verdict?" The judge asks.

"We have your honor." A juror speaks.

"In the sole count of attempted murder in the first degree, how do you find?"

Sam holds her breath and Rhea squeezes her closer to her, reassuring her.

"We the jury find the defendant...guilty." The juror says.

Sam gasps and Rhea kisses her cheek.

"You did it, Sweetness." She says.

"Congratulations. I'll be in touch." The prosecutor says before turning off the camera.

Sam doesn't realize she's crying until Rhea pulls her onto her lap and wipes her tears.

"What's wrong, babe?" She asks softly.

"I don't know. I feel guilty." She cries.

"You feel guilty? After all he's done to you? My love you should feel happy. He's going to jail now. He won't be able to touch either of us for a long time."

Sam nods and sniffles, trying to pull herself together. Rhea rubs her back to help her calm down. Sam looks in her eyes and Rhea looks back at her with love.

She grabs Rhea's face and kisses her passionately before repositioning herself so she's straddling her. Sam sighs as Rhea grips her hips and kisses her neck.

There's a fire in her that Rhea hasn't seen before. One filled with rage, sadness and guilt. She can tell she's trying to distract herself. As Sam reaches down towards Rhea's pants, she gently stops her by grabbing her wrists.

Sam pulls back from the kiss and looks at her, tears still fresh in her eyes.

"We should wait, Sweetness. You should rest." Rhea says.

Sam frowns in confusion.

"You don't want to make love to me?" She chokes.

"Of course I do. But you're not in a good place and I want to be there for you. Not take advantage of you."

"You're not raping me Rhea. I want this." She says and continues to try to put her hand in her pants.

Rhea stops her again.

"The fact that you have no idea what you just said proves that you're not okay right now."

Sam groans, climbs off of Rhea and stands.

"Fuck this." She says before she grabs her coat and Rhea's keys.

Rhea jumps up and takes the keys from her.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Out! Give me the keys Rhea." Sam yells.

"No you shouldn't drive like this. I'll take you." She says and grabs her shoes.

"I don't want you to." Sam says before storming out of the house.

Rhea is taken aback by her words. She walks out the door, hopping on one foot as she puts her shoes on and follows Sam down the sidewalk. She lingers behind to give her space.

"Ugh! Go home Rhea!" She hears her shout.

"I'm not leaving you alone." Rhea replies.

Sam spins on her heels.

"Maybe I want you to! Don't you get that?! I want you to leave me alone! I want you to go home! I don't want you following me around like a puppy. I don't want you asking me if I'm okay! Because I'm not! I'm not okay! I wasn't just beaten! I was raped Demi! I had forgotten that! Don't you get it? I put that thought deep down and locked it away until YOU talked me into taking him to court! Until YOU said no don't do the plea deal and until YOU talked me into testifying. I described my rape in open court Demi." She cries.

Rhea rushes over to her and catches her before she can fall to her knees on the pavement. She holds her close as she breaks in her arms. Sobbing uncontrollably. Her heart breaks for her wife. How she pushed her into reliving the horrible events of her previous marriage.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." She whispers before scooping Sam up into her arms.

"P-Put me down." Sam says between cries.

"I'm taking you home. Our home. Where you'll be safe." She whispers, holding back tears of her own.

Rhea walks back to the house and carries Sam inside. She takes her to their room and puts her to bed. She holds her in her arms and doesn't sleep. She can't take the chance of Sam taking off on her.

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