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A/N: If you saw me post a part and then delete it, no you didn't. HAHA. I posted the wrong one.

Here's a short filler part. It's very short but is only meant to be a bridge from this one to the next part that I am going to re-post soon.


Rhea grabs the hotel keycard and goes to the door, ready to circle the town until she finds Sam. She opens the door and finds Sam sitting on the floor with her legs crossed.

"Sam!" She shouts.

"Rhea..." she replies and breaks down into a sob.

"Come here, sweetness." Rhea says as she picks her up and carries her into the room.

"I'm so sorry, Rhea. I'm sorry. Don't hate me." She cries and wraps her arms around her neck.

"I could never hate you, baby." Rhea replies and plants kisses all over her face.

"I should have believed you. I shouldn't have assumed like that it's just..just that..he used to cheat all the time."

"I know it hurts, baby. I know you're trying to get used to being with someone new. But I will never cheat on you. I won't break your heart and I won't hurt you. I promised you that and I'm swearing it to you now." Rhea says.

Sam nods and sighs, wiping her tears. Rhea sits on the bed with her on her lap.

"Can you promise me something?" Rhea asks.

Sam looks up at nods.

"Promise me that if you ever get upset with me again you won't run away. You won't leave me and not tell me at least where you're going. I...I was so scared that you might..." tears of her own fall down her face.

It's only when she sees Rhea's tears that she realizes she broke her. The Eradicator. The Nightmare. Brutality. She broke Rhea Ripley.

"I promise. I'm so sorry." Sam replies, her voice cracking.

Rhea nods and plants a quick kiss on her lips.

"Let's go home, Sweetness."

She replies.

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