True Love

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A/N: As a writer I have to listen when a story is telling me it's ready to be finished. Otherwise it becomes tough to write and therefore becomes less and less enjoyable for readers.

So this will be the last part of this story. I had so much fun writing it and I thank you all for the support on my first Rhea fanfic. :-) Don't forget I have a spicier Rhea story called "Flirting With Chaos" too.

Sorry this part is short!


About an hour later, Sam walks up to the front door and tries to quietly sneak in, hoping Rhea is still asleep.

Instead, when she walks in she finds Rhea standing on the opposite side with her arms folded. She gasps in surprise.

"Tell me you didn't." She says.

Sam looks at the floor in shame.

"Tell me you didn't just go see that asshole!" Her voice gets louder.

Sam cringes and protectively wraps her arms around herself.

"I couldn't risk it." Her voice comes out in a squeak.

"Do you remember this? Do you remember how he did this?" Rhea asks pointing at the bruises on her neck.

"Yes but-"

"No buts! He could have killed you Sam! You could have been dead while I was asleep imagine how fucking awful that would be."

"He apologized." She blurts.

Rhea's mouth closes into a thin line.

"And you believe him?"

"I don't know. He was all bruised up and had black eyes." She says.

"Good I hope some dude named Bubba made him his bitch. Did you tell him not to drop the soap?"

"Rhea!" Sam frowns.

"What? After all he's done to you don't tell me you feel sorry for him."

Sam huffs, shuts the door and walks past Rhea into the living room.

"It's my fault he's even there."

"Stop saying that! Stop blaming yourself for the things he did." Rhea groans.

Sam turns to her again and sighs.

"Don't be mad at me okay? You've never met Jason. You don't know what he's capable of. He's stronger than Jordan. I had to go to get him off our backs."

Rhea storms over to Sam but stops short at the flash of fear that crosses her eyes.

"I'm not mad at you I'm disappointed that you didn't even have the courtesy to tell me you were going." Rhea lowers her voice.

"Yeah well you wouldn't have let me go you made that clear."

"I would have talked about it with you and supported you if that was what you really wanted! I would have went with you so I could make sure you came back to me. What if you didn't come back to me Sam? What then?" Rhea says.

Sam sees the pain in her eyes and walks over to her, grabbing her hands.

"But I did Rhea. I came back. So let's just move on okay? Because we don't have to worry about Jordan anymore. I can feel it."

Rhea sighs and rubs Sam's hands with her thumbs. She nods and places a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I have to go get ready for the day. But Sam?"

"Yeah babe?" She says.

"Don't ever feel like you have to do anything alone. Even if you think I won't approve." Rhea replies.

Sam nods and kisses her before letting go of her hands. Rhea goes upstairs to shower as she sits on the couch to pick out a movie.

Sam smiles as she feels nothing but happiness in her heart for the first time in years. No pain. No fear. Just love.

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