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When Samantha finally opens her eyes again, she feels as though she's lying in a cloud. The sheets are soft like marshmallows and the pillow under her head is firm, but not so firm that it puts a kink in her neck. It's more like it conforms to her head and neck to give support.

She looks directly at the ceiling, afraid to move. She knows it'll hurt and she doesn't know where her husband is. It isn't until she sees the large black ceiling fan that she realizes everything - she's definitely not at home. A gasp escapes her lips as she sits up and looks around. The room is mostly black, including the sheets. There's WWE merchandise all over the shelves lining the walls and she frowns. Where am I?

"Hey, it's alright, you're safe." A quiet, yet tough, Australian voice speaks up from beside the bed.

Ignoring the pain in her side as she turns, Samantha looks over at the buff woman sitting in a chair next to her. She's holding an iPhone in her hand that she slowly puts down on the nightstand. The events of last night suddenly flush over her. The argument in the bar, the beating in the alley, the other beating in the alley. She doesn't realize she's hyperventilating until the woman stands from her spot in the chair, sits next to her on the bed and places one hand firmly on her chest, the other on her back.

"Shh. Try to relax. Feel my hands. Focus on my hands. It's okay."

Samantha does as she's told and closes her eyes, focusing on the stability the woman's hands make her feel. She slowly calms down, her breathing returning to normal. The woman smiles and gently rubs her back before letting go of her. Samantha almost longs for her to touch her again. To keep comforting her. But she doesn't know who the woman is or how she got here. Not until...her eyes widen as she looks into the eyes of the woman she's slowly beginning to recognize.

Her eyes trail down to the piercings in her nose, the tattoos on her arms, the way she talks and holds herself. The memorabilia in the room. Everything crashes on her at once and she feels like a fool for not recognizing her sooner.

"You're...Rhea Ripley..." she whispers.

Rhea smiles softly, "You can call me Demi, but yes."

Samantha sighs and looks down at the bed. She doesn't understand what's going on.

"I don't understand. Why did you bring me here?" She asks.

"So I can protect you." Rhea replies without hesitation.

"Why though? You don't know me." Samantha looks back up.

"I know I can't stand seeing anyone beating someone they supposedly care about." Rhea replies.

"That's ironic." Samantha replies, thinking of Dominik Mysterio.

Rhea grins, "to be fair, we were enemies first. Besides, it's not real." Her smile fades. "What happened to you last night? That was real."

Samantha sighs again and rubs her neck.

"What's your name, Sweetness?" She asks.

The nickname makes Samantha blush for some reason.

"Samantha. But you can call me Sam if you want."

"Sam," Rhea smiles charmingly, "beautiful."

Sam looks back up at her savior and tries to make sense of what is happening.

"Sam, you can stay with me if you would like. For as long as you wish."

"I..I don't know what to say." She replies.

"You don't have to say anything. I brought you some clothes. They might be a little big on you but we can go get your things later. Why don't you take a shower or a bath, whichever you feel like, and I'll make some breakfast. Sound good?"

Sam looks down at the Judgment Day group t-shirt, obviously one that has been worn, and the black jeans and belt sitting next to them on the bed. She didn't notice them before. Rhea smiles as she slowly takes them and shows her where to find the bathroom before retreating to the kitchen to cook.

Looking in the mirror after locking the door, Sam sees an unrecognizable face staring back at her. She strips her clothes and looks over herself. Seeing how she's covered in purple, black and green bruises, she sighs.

She mumbles as she starts the water, "What a way to meet your woman crush."

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