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Dom and Damian watch as Rhea paces the waiting room. Every five minutes she checks her watch for the time. Tears are spilling down her face but she's less sad and more pissed off now.

*Four hours ago*

"I'm not leaving her side!" Rhea shouts as she tries to run into the operating room with Sam.

"You can't go in! We need you to wait here! For her safety." The doctors reply as they try to block her path.

Rhea's stronger than all of them as she starts to shove past. Just as she breaks through she feels a familiar and gentle arm wrap around her waist. She nearly melts into it instantly.

"You can't go in, Mami. You need to let them work." Dom whispers in her ear.

Rhea breaks down into sobs as she stops fighting and the doctors close the doors. Dom holds her for support as he walks her back to the waiting room.

*present time*

"I'm such an idiot!" Rhea shouts, "How could I have assumed she was safe?"

"Don't do that this isn't your fault and you know it." Finn says as he walks into the waiting room finally, Triple H in tow behind him.

"Finn!" Rhea says and crumbles into his arms.

She looks over his shoulder at her father figure and glares.

"Did you find out how he got back there?" She asks.

"Apparently he bribed one of the security guards for their pass and where your dressing room was." He replies.

Rhea balls her fists and says, "I want their name and address right now."

"Don't worry about that. I'm handling them. You need to focus on Sam." He replies.

Rhea hasn't sat, ate of drank once since arriving at the hospital. Hell, she hasn't ate or drank since her match earlier in the night. Triple H must have known this as he holds up her favorite burger and fries order. Rhea looks at it and starts to shake her head. She has too much on her plate for a meal like that.

"You need to eat. And you deserve this." He says in his best father-like stern tone.

Rhea sighs and takes the food. She sits in a chair finally and slowly eats. She can't eat too fast or her nerves will make her throw it back up.

About half an hour after she finishes the doctor finally comes out of the operating room and into the waiting area. Rhea jumps up and clasps her hands together, squeezing them tight as she awaits his next words.

"Sam had a punctured lung, four broken ribs, a broken wrist, a strong concussion and a broken tooth. We did everything we could to help her and-"

"No! Don't you say it...don't you say you gave up on her.." Rhea interrupts, tears flowing down her face.

The guys behind her sigh and look down.

"-and she's going to be okay." He finishes.

Rhea gasps and covers her mouth. "She is?!"

The doctor nods.

"She's going to be here for a while. Her ribs are going to take time to heal and she might need physical therapy for her wrist. But she will recover." He says.

Rhea's knees buckle and, once again, Dom is there to hold her up as she cries in relief.

"Can we see her?"

"Sure, but you'll need to be quiet and only one person can stay with her overnight. She's on heavy sedation so she likely won't wake until morning. But she's just down that hall in room 24A to your right." The doctor instructs before walking away.

Triple H, Damian and Finn decide to stay behind for the night and tell Rhea goodbye before going home. Dom escorts her to the room, knowing she'll need some extra support when she first sees Sam.

And she does. She nearly falls over when she sees her girlfriend bruised up with bandages wrapped around her wrist, head and stomach. Dom holds her and shushes her as she cries.

"My Sweetness...she doesn't deserve this." Rhea whispers.

He plants a friendly kiss on her head and lets her go to sit next to Sam, she gently grabs her left hand, the non-broken side, and kisses it softly.

Dom says his goodbyes to give them privacy for the night, deciding to check back on them in the morning. Rhea cries and whispers sweet nothings in her ear the whole night.

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