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A/N: trigger warning - this part includes spanking. If you're not into that I won't be offended if you skip this part. But no promises it won't happen again in this story.


After fighting for dominance on the plane, Rhea ultimately ended up on top, of course. This earned a pout from Sam for the rest of the flight and through the airport.

"If you didn't enjoy yourself just say that." Rhea breaks the silence.

There's frustration clear in her voice and Sam gets into the Uber they called to take them to the hotel. Rhea huffs and slides into the seat next to her.

"I enjoyed myself fine." Sam finally replies.

"Then why are you pouting like a child?" She asks.

"Nobody's pouting Rhea."

With that, Rhea decides to leave her alone and the rest of the ride to the hotel is quiet. She watches Sam stare out the window blankly.

Once they arrive at the hotel, Rhea silently grabs their bags and heads to the checkin counter to get the room keys. Sam lingers behind her, looking around the lobby, until she heads for the elevator.

"Don't worry I've got the bags." Rhea mumbles.

"Okay." Is all Sam replies.

This makes Rhea angry. She grips the handles of the bags tightly and storms out of the elevator. Dropping a bag with a loud thud outside the door, she uses a keycard to get in. The bag she dropped is one of Sam's and she leaves it there as she goes inside the room, not bothering to hold the door for Sam.

Sam grabs the bag and huffs as she walks in just before the door shuts. Luckily for her, since Rhea hasn't given her one of the keycards yet.

"So what's your problem?" Rhea asks, sitting on the edge of the bed and folding her arms across her chest.

Sam looks at her and tilts her head to the side. She has to admit that Rhea looks absolutely stunning when she's angry. Something she wouldn't dare to admit right now.

"I told you nothing's wrong. Stop making something out of nothing will you?" She asks.

Rhea's frown goes darker and there's a look in her eyes that Sam hasn't seen yet. It starts to scare her a little and she wonders if she's gone too far. She opens her mouth to speak but Rhea holds a finger up.

"Don't speak." She says bluntly.

Sam's mouth snaps shut as she fights the urge to say yes Mami. Rhea reaches out, grabs Sam's wrist and pulls her over to her earning a gasp from her. Without a word, Rhea turns her to the side and starts swatting at her ass. Hard.

"O-Ow! Hey! St-Stop!" Sam shouts, her voice quivering as she desperately tries to escape Rhea's swats.

It's not until she loses count that she gives up, her knees starting to buckle, sweat beading on her forehead, and a surprise excited feeling between her legs that Rhea finally stops and lets go of her.

Sam's knees give out and she falls to them, afraid to touch her ass to the floor. She's panting, her hair sticking to the tears falling down her face.

Suddenly, a gentle hand appears on her chin and makes her look up. The softness has returned to her eyes.

"Are you alright?" She asks.

An odd question coming from someone who just spanked their girlfriend like she was a child. Someone who swore to never hurt her.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt me." Sam replies.

Rhea hesitates before replying, "But are you okay?"

Sam nods, "yeah.."

Shock is still obvious in her voice as Rhea helps her up and onto her lap. Surprisingly, with how hard she was swatting at her, it doesn't hurt to sit.

"When I made you that promise I meant I wouldn't hurt you. Like abuse you. Or break your heart." Rhea says and kisses her cheek.

Sam understands what she means and gives a small grin, surprising Rhea for the second time today.

"What's that look for?" She asks.

"I wanted to see what you would do."

"That whole time you were just playing me?" Rhea asks with amazement.

Sam nods, earning a grin from Rhea as well.

"You fucking enjoyed that." She laughs.

Sam bites her lip and shrugs, blushing. Rhea leans her head in and gives her a strong kiss, biting at the lip Sam just bit not two seconds ago.

"I oughta bend you over this bed for that." Rhea says as she breaks the kiss.

"Do it."

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