Be Gentle

919 22 4

A/N: smutty


It's eight in the morning when Sam finally opens her eyes. She's still in Rhea's arms but she doesn't look up at her eyes. She doesn't want to see the pain in them. The guilt already setting in from her words the night before.

"I didn't mean it." She whispers.

"I know." Rhea replies quietly.

"I was just..I didn't want to remember."

"I know." Rhea says and places a soft kiss on her forehead.

Sam finally trails her eyes up from Rhea's chest to her eyes. There's that pain she didn't want to see. Mixed with doubt and guilt. There's dark circles around her eyes and they're puffy. She's been crying. Rhea Ripley, the Eradicator. But most importantly, her wife. She broke her.

"I'm so sorry." Sam whispers.

Rhea shakes her head and plants a gentle kiss on her lips. She caresses her cheek and doesn't pull back until she feels Sam relax in her arms.

"I just want you to be happy Sam." She says.

Sam frowns a little.

"A-Are you leaving me?"

"What? No baby. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me." Rhea smiles.

Sam blushes and nods.

"But I need you to help me. Tell me what you need to be happy. Because you deserve nothing less." Rhea says.

"You can help me not feel disgusting. Like I'm just an object."

Rhea plays in Sam's hair.

"How do you want me to do that, Sweetness?"

"Show me how much you love me? Be gentle and passionate? Like the night of our wedding."

"Are you sure you want to now?" Rhea asks.

Sam nods and Rhea takes her chin, rubbing her thumb on Sam's jawline. She kisses her again, only deeper this time. She fills the kiss with love and nothing else.

Rhea's hands slide under Sam's shirt and she slides them up her stomach to her chest, rubbing her otherwise bare boobs gently. Sam sighs in her mouth and Rhea pulls her shirt over her head before rolling on top of Sam.

She plants little kisses across her jaw to her cheek, then down her neck and to her chest as she strips Sam from the waist down. Sam squirms under her, biting her lip as she watches her wife plant kisses on her boobs.

"I love you so much." Rhea whispers as she sucks on one of Sam's nipples.

Sam moans a little and closes her eyes as Rhea slides a hand down her thigh and spreads her legs some. She bites her lip and Rhea uses her thumb to circle Sam's clit, earning a louder moan from her as she arches her back.

"You're beautiful." Rhea says as she kisses Sam's chest.

She slips two fingers into Sam's sex and slowly pumps them as she holds her palm against her so that it rubs her clit with every movement.

Sam grips the sheets and moans in ecstasy, not knowing which part of the pleasure in her body she wants to focus on.

"You're gorgeous." Rhea compliments as she pumps faster.

"And you're mine." She whispers, poking at a sensitive spot making Sam cry out and arch her back way up off the bed.

It almost looks like an exorcism. She lets go of the sheets and grabs Rhea's head.

"I need you." She moans.

Rhea sticks her tongue out and licks down Sam's body to her sex. She turns her hand, her fingers still working inside of Sam, and takes her clit in her mouth. She sucks on it and flicks her tongue against it making Sam scream and hit the headboard above her.

"Fuck! Don't stop babe! Please don't stop." She cries.

Rhea obliges. She continues working Sam gently but fast enough to please her. She smiles against her as she cums, unloading and crying out her frustrations at the same time. Pulling on Rhea's hair.

When her legs stop trembling Rhea pulls out her fingers and slowly and softly continues to lick at her, cleaning her up. She kisses back up Sam's body and moves some hair from her face.

Sam's crying softly and the smile on Rhea's face fades.

"What is it, Sweetness? What did I do wrong?" She asks in worry.

"Nothing babe. You did nothing wrong. And that's precisely the point." She says and pulls Rhea's face to her.

Rhea smiles as she realizes Sam's tears are happy tears this time. She kisses her passionately as she wraps her back up in her arms. Vowing to never let her go.

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