Trial Mishaps

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A/N: mentions sexual abuse

Also, if you have suggestions of what you want to see in this story let me know. Otherwise it might only have a few parts left in it.

The prosecutor continues to ask Sam questions about her life with Jordan. From the good to the bad to the downright ugly. She lays out things Rhea knew, but also reveals things she's never told anyone. Not even Rhea. Including the time Jordan had his guy friends over and let them all have their way with her as he held her down.

After telling the story, Sam looks down at her hands, afraid to look at Rhea's face. Afraid to know what she's thinking.

"No further questions." He finally says.

The judge tells Sam she can step down and she makes her way back to her spot next to Rhea. She still can't look at her eyes and Rhea opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted by the judge asking the defense for his next witness.

Jordan stands and says, "I call Rhea Ripley to the stand. Or whatever her name actually is."

Sam's head pops up and she looks over at him. He has a sinister grin on his face. A look of pure evil. Rhea pats Sam's thigh reassuringly before standing and walking by Jordan.

Suddenly, he manages to climb onto the table as she passes and jumps on her from behind, wrapping the chains of his shackles around her neck. They fall to the floor with him pulling them as tight against her neck as he can.

The jury gasps, Sam screams and jumps up shouting for help and the officers rush over, beating at him with their batons and trying to pull him off of Rhea.

She struggles against him, elbowing him in the ribs to no avail as he only tightens his grip. Sam watches helplessly in horror as the light in Rhea's eyes dim before she loses consciousness and they close.

"No!!" Sam screams as the guards finally unlock the chains to unravel them.

One pulls Rhea away by her ankles as the others forcefully drag Jordan from the courtroom.

He shouts, "you're both dead! Dead!"

Sam ignores him and runs to Rhea's side, dropping to her knees as paramedics check her out before loading her on a stretcher and rushing her into an ambulance. Sam is quick on their heels and holds Rhea's hand the whole way to the hospital.

Once they get there, they work on waking Rhea and get her in a room, after making sure nothing was broken or damaged in her neck. When she finally comes to, Sam is sobbing by her side, holding her hand.

"I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this." She says, looking at the bruises that are forming around her neck.

"Shh. I'm fine, Sweetness. I'm okay. Nothing I haven't felt before." She croaks, her voice groggy from being choked out.

"You deserve so much better than me and my shit." Sam says.

Rhea reaches out and caresses her cheek.

"You deserve someone who will treat you like the princess you are. Who would never hurt you. I'll be damned if I trust anyone else to do the job." Rhea smiles.

Sam laughs through her tears and shakes her head, kissing the palm of Rhea's hand.

"Even after nearly dying for me. For a second time. You're still a big romantic." She says.

Sam lies on the bed next to Rhea, who wraps an arm around her as she cuddles up close to her, placing a gentle hand on her behind.

"No matter what happens. Ever. I'm always going to be here for you. I'm always going to love you." Rhea says and plants a kiss on Sam's forehead.

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