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A/N: Take a vote after reading this for me -

Would you rather:
A: End the story here and start a new fanfic.
B: Continue this one and follow Sam and Rhea's life for a while. But also maybe start a new one.


Sam and Rhea step off the plane and into the Bahamas. They decided to honeymoon on the beach in a private cabana. They only have a week, since Rhea's schedule can't just wait, but she plans to make it the best week possible.

Sam walks into the cabana and sits on the bed. She was quiet most of the flight, and it's nighttime now, so she lies down and looks over at her new wife. Rhea is watching her closely, leaning in the doorway.

"Are you okay, Sam?" She asks.

"I'm fine. Come to bed, babe." Sam replies in a hushed tone.

Rhea can see right through her, but she decides to let it go for the night and crawls into bed beside Sam. She leans over her, still on all fours, and kisses her passionately. Sam returns the kiss, and it slowly turns into them making out.

Rhea straddles Sam and kisses down her neck, tugging at her clothes. Sighing in pleasure, Sam closes her eyes and grips Rhea's hips.

"Do you want me, my beautiful wife?" Rhea whispers.

"Mm. Yes.." Sam replies.

The two make love then for the first time as a married couple, and it's the most magical experience Sam has ever felt. Until it's over.

When Rhea falls off of her, panting, she pulls Sam close to her and wraps her arms around her from behind, spooning her.

Tears fall down Sam's face as Rhea kisses the nape of her neck. Once she falls asleep, Sam gently wiggles her way out of Rhea's arms, pulls on an oversized shirt, and goes out to the dark beach. She sits in the sand and sets her feet just where the water comes up and cries. She doesn't know why she's crying. She's happy. Scratch that. I know why. She thinks.

"Babe. What's going on?" Rhea's voice softly asks from behind her a few minutes later, startling Sam.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you! I..just wanted some air!" Her chest is pounding as her heart goes ninety to nothing.

Rhea kneels down and takes Sam's chin in her hand.

"Sweetness. What did I tell you? What did I promise you?"

"Th-that you'd never hurt me." Sam whispers, her voice breaking.

Rhea nods. "I mean that. I will never lay a hand on you to intentionally hurt you. I'm not like him. I will never be like him."

Sam cries, "but you can't promise you won't get so mad at me that you'll want to. What if you can't control it?"

"Control what?"

"Rhea..what if you can't control your anger. Like..like when we met.."

Rhea sighs and sits in the sand. She looks out at the ocean. The waves the only other sound they hear besides a little wind.

"I don't feel angry anymore, Sam. Before I met you, I wasn't me. I was Rhea. I got so caught up in being her that I forgot how to be me. That day.." she says and looks at Sam.

"That day reminded me how to be me. Seeing you so broken. Seeing how I in part caused you to be so broken? You brought me back to Demi, Sam. And Demi wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone her wife."

Sam looks over at Rhea again, the tears slowly stop spilling from her eyes. Rhea reaches out and wipes them away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin today." Sam replies.

"Are you kidding? You haven't ruined a thing! Today was the best day of my entire life. And tonight?" Rhea smirks. "Tonight was the best sex I've had."

Sam blushes, giggles and smacks Rhea's arm making her laugh.

"There's that beautiful smile I love so much." Rhea says and kisses Sam again.

"I love you, Rhea."

"I love you more, my beautiful wife." Rhea replies.

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