The Judgment Day

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The next day, Sam and Rhea are startled awake by a loud thunder of a knock on the door. Whoever it is is practically beating the door down. Sam can't hide her nerves and Rhea squeezes her gently before getting up, grabbing her shirt from the day before and going downstairs.

Sam's curiosity gets the better of her as she slowly crawls out of the bed and walks halfway down the stairs just as Rhea opens the door and three male figures come running through.

"Are you okay?!" One shouts, his voice quite deep. Sam recognizes him to be Damian Priest.

"What the hell happened to your neck, Mami?!" Another shouts, clearly Dominick Mysterio.

"Were you really gonna jump?" Lastly, Finn asks, his voice full of concern and worry.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down guys. Yes, I'm fine. Nothing you need to be worried about. And of course I wasn't gonna jump I wasn't even on the edge." Rhea replies looking at each of them respectively.

"Then what the hell is going on? It's all over Twitter that fans saw you getting ready to jump off a bridge!" Dom shouts.

"Lower your voice Dom Dom. I have company." Rhea replies.

Suddenly, four heads turn towards Sam on the stairs, who was awkwardly watching the whole time and rubbing her arm.

"Who's this? Did SHE do that to your neck?!" Dom asks, stepping in front of Rhea and balling his fists.

Sam takes a step backwards towards the top of the stairs. Her flight instincts ready to kick in at any moment.

"No, Dom. She would never." Rhea replies as she puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Then what is going on, Rhea?" Damian asks.

Rhea sighs and looks to Sam as if asking permission.

"It's because of me.." Sam starts and everyone looks back up at her again.

"She found me at a husband was beating me and she saved my life..we went to get my things today and they fought. He was choking her but she fought back and...and accidentally hit me so I was me on the edge of that bridge not Rhea..I...I'm sorry. I should go." Sam mumbles the last part and turns to start back up the stairs.

Suddenly she hears steps behind her and feels someone gently grabbing her wrist. She turns again and looks down, afraid to face the woman standing before her.

"What did I tell you?"

"Not to apologize for something that's not my fault?" Sam replies.

"Exactly. This is not on you. And you're not going anywhere." Rhea smiles.

The guys start whispering amongst each other and Rhea snaps her head around to glare at them. Finn holds his hands up in defense.

"We were just talking about what to do and how to help." He says.

"Yeah, maybe we should teach her to fight." Damian says.

Rhea frowns and thinks for a moment before carefully replying.

"Fighting is what got us into this mess guys. I don't think she would want to throw down with us in a ring."

Sam bites her lip and squeezes Rhea's hand.

"Actually maybe..maybe it's not a bad idea. I could defend myself then..maybe feel more safe?" She says.

Rhea hesitates before giving in.

"You guys go find something to eat in the kitchen. We're going to get ready." Rhea says as she leads Sam back upstairs and into the bathroom.

Sam watches as Rhea turns the shower on and messes with the temperature. The silence is almost awkward and she wonders who's going to shower first. That is, until Rhea starts stripping away at her clothes. Sam blushes and looks down at her feet.

"I'll give you some space." She replies and starts to leave the room.

"You can come in with me if you want." Rhea grins.

Sam looks back up, her eyes trailing up Rhea's body along the way, and meets the smirk she has on her face. If she wasn't blushing before, she definitely is now. Rhea walks towards her and plants a kiss on Sam's cheek.

"If you're gonna be my girlfriend you'd see me eventually, anyway." She whispers in her ear before going back to the shower and stepping in.

Sam watches in awe as Rhea lets the water run over her hair, letting it slick it down to her head. Did she say, girlfriend?

Deciding to go for it, Sam pulls Rhea's borrowed t-shirt off and slips out of her underwear before stepping into the shower behind Rhea just as she turns to face her.

A blush flushes her cheeks again as she watches Rhea's eyes take her in little by little. From her chest, to her breasts, to her stomach and below.

"Beautiful." Rhea smiles and the two finish their shower in silence before getting dressed in workout gear and making their way down to the boys.

Rhea laughs as Dom shoves a chicken nugget and a french fry covered in ranch into his mouth.

"Was the ketchup too spicy, Dom Dom?" She teases.

Sam giggles as he sticks a tongue out at Rhea and finishes his food. The rest of them chat about their upcoming matches as they all make their way to the gym and take turns teaching Sam the basics of surviving in a fight.

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