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Dom's back slams onto the floor of the ring with a loud thud as Sam leans over him, grips his shirt and holds a fist up prepared to strike. He covers his face and she giggles.

"That's ten. I win." She laughs and stands holding a hand out.

Dom grabs her hand and she helps him back up on his feet. Damian is standing on the edge of the ring outside's the ropes, his face covered in mere shock. Rhea is standing next to him with one hand on her hip and the other holding the top rope. She's watching Sam with pride and confidence in how fast she's learned these new skills.

"Not fair! You blindsided me, right Mami?" Dom whines making Rhea laugh.

"Isn't that kind of the point Dom Dom?" She asks and he shrugs in defeat.

"I got you on your back ten times. Where's my money." Sam holds a hand out.

Dom reaches for his wallet and slaps a twenty dollar bill onto her hand. She laughs and sticks it in her bra.

"Who's next?" She asks and Damian and Finn each run their fingers through their hair as they look around the room.

"Chickens." She laughs.

Suddenly she feels a brute force from behind as she falls to the floor with a surprised yelp. Rhea flips her over and pins her arms above her head.

"That's one." She winks before standing.

Sam frowns and jumps up on her feet.

"Hey! That's not-"

"What? Fair? Tell Dom Dom that." She grins mischievously.

"Yeah! What she said!" Dom shouts.

"Shut up, Dom!" Rhea and Sam shout simultaneously earning a laugh from Damian and Finn.

"You're on. I'll put you on your back easy." Sam smirks as they circle each other.

"That's what she said, Sweetness." Rhea licks her lips.

Sam blushes and stumbles in her tracks at the joke, giving Rhea the perfect opening to sweep her legs out from under her and pin her arms again.

"That's two." She kisses her cheek.

"Ugh!" Sam shouts and shoves her off.

The two circle the ring, each finding differently ways to distract and tackle one another, getting rougher as they go.

Damian, Finn and Dom ooo and awe and suck air through their teeth as the two fight for dominance in the ring. They're not wrestling, more tackling to pin the other down long enough to get a strike in if needed.

Twenty minutes pass by and the score is 9-8 with Rhea in the lead, of course.

"Mami look out!" Dom shouts as Rhea is barely back on her feet gasping for air from pinning Sam again.

She turns and sees Sam fly off the top rope and gasps as she lands on top of her, successfully pinning her to it.

"Shit! That was good." Rhea admits and Sam smirks before standing back up.

"9-9. Let's make a wager." Rhea says as they circle again.

"Go for it." Sam replies with full confidence.

"If I win, you have to go naked the rest of the night." Rhea smirks.

Sam blushes. "And if I win?"

"I'll do whatever you want me to."

"Anything?" She asks.

Rhea nods. "Anything."

The two grin as the boys whistle in amusement. They watch as the women battle each other. Each one trying desperately to get at the other's legs. Rhea accidentally head butts Sam in the chin and she stumbles back holding her face. Tears stream down her face and Rhea's heart breaks as she reaches out.

"Oh God. I'm so sorry are you alright?" She asks concerned as hell.

She's so concerned she doesn't have time to react when Sam shoves her back as hard as she can and tackles her to the floor, pinning her arms.

"That's ten! You're mine." Sam smirks.

Rhea looks up at her in utter disbelief before her shocked expression turns to an evil grin.

"That's my girl." She laughs and Sam helps her up.

"I think you're well past ready if you can take down The Eradicator like that, kid." Damian grins and holds a hand up.

Sam smiles proudly and gives him the hardest high five she can muster. Finn smiles and ruffles her hair as Dom pouts and checks on Rhea.

"I can't believe I just kicked Rhea Ripley's ass." She laughs.

"Don't get used to it, Sweetness." Rhea replies.

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