The Call

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Sam watches from backstage as Rhea wins yet another match. She ultimately decided not to join the Judgment Day as she didn't want to ruin the storyline of Dom and Rhea for the fans. Instead, she waits backstage loyally.

When Rhea comes walking backstage with Dom in her arms, though, Sam can't help but feel a little jealous. Even though she sets him down immediately after the cameras move on. Rhea makes her way to Sam and smiles, holding up her new title.

Sam gives a small smile.

"Congrats babe." She says quietly.

"What's wrong, Sweetness?" Rhea asks.

"Nothing it's silly." Sam replies.

"You can tell me. You know that."

"I'm just..maybe a little jealous of Dom." Sam admits.

Rhea sighs, sits on the couch and pats her lap. Sam walks over and sits on it, wrapping her arms around Rhea's neck as she holds her.

"Baby, you're my girl. You know that. Dom knows that. What do I need to do for you to feel better?" She asks.

"Kiss me and tell me you love me?" She pokes her bottom lip out in a pout.

Rhea laughs and kisses Sam passionately.

"I love you Samantha." She says.


Rhea grabs her chin, kisses her again and whispers, "I love you so much."

Sam blushes and smiles happily again.

"Let's go home. I'm gonna love on you all night long." Rhea says as she plants little kisses down Sam's neck.

Sam sighs and nods as Rhea stands with her in one arm and grabs her title with her free hand. She carries Sam out to the truck and helps her in.

She gets in the driver's seat and places a hand on Sam's thigh.

*skipping to the next day*

Sam paces in the middle of the living room. Rhea walks in with a big bowl of popcorn and raises an eyebrow at the sight.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"I just got a call from the DA's office. Jordan said he'll only take the plea deal if I agree to see him."

Rhea frowns and shakes her head.

"Fuck that, Sam. Let his ass go to trial. He deserves to rot longer anyway."

"But then I'll have to testify. And you couldn't be there."

"Why the hell not?" She asks.

"Because people would talk and it might get in the way of your job."

Rhea sets the bowl down on the coffee table, walks over to Sam who is still pacing, and places her hands on her shoulders to stop her. Sam looks in her eyes, her own stained with worry and fear.

"Sam. I don't give a shit if I have to retire early. My only priority right now is you and your safety. I will support you either way. But I think you should take his ass to court. And if you do? I'll be sitting right there with you."

Sam gives a small, sad smile and nods. She takes a deep breath before replying.

"Okay. I'll testify."

"Good girl." Rhea smiles and plants a kiss on her forehead.

"Now let's watch this movie before we have to get to the venue." She says.

Sam smiles and cuddles up under Rhea's arm on the couch, holding the popcorn bowl on her lap. She plucks a piece out and munches on it as Rhea plays Friday The 13th.

They spend the rest of the morning watching the movie before getting up and going to Rhea's next match afterwards.

Sam can't shake the feeling she has about Jordan. Why does he want to see her? What will happen in court? She remembers his threat against Rhea if he ever sees her again.

He said he would kill her.

Sam looks over at Rhea as she gets her makeup done. Unsure of what to do or how to proceed. She told her about the threat, so surely she wouldn't go if she was worried? Besides, she's handled herself against him before, twice.

Instead of constantly worrying, Sam pushes the fear deep down and tries to concentrate on Rhea and her match. She wants to be the best supportive girlfriend that Rhea could get right now. She'll worry about Jordan later.

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