Mami's Always on Top

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Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months of physical therapy, strength training and frustration. Sam is on the mend, nearly back to 100%, thanks to the help of Rhea and the rest of The Judgment Day. The only thing left to do is retrain her wrist for painting.

Sam's right wrist was the one to be broken, and of course it's her dominant side. So she finds herself struggling to bend her hand in the best ways for her to be able to paint like she used to. When she messes up yet another part of her canvas she throws the paintbrush at the wall and screams in frustration.

Rhea comes rushing into the room, takes one look at the wall and then looks over at Sam.

"Sam...Again?" She asks as she starts to clean the mess.

"I'm sorry it's just so fucking stupid!" Sam shouts.

"You'll get your motion back, babe it's just going to take time." Rhea replies as she has the last three times Sam threw a brush.

"Yeah and how much time is it going to take, Rhea? It's been months! MONTHS!" Sam shakes her head and folds her arms to pout.

"I quit." Sam says and stands.

Just as she starts to walk out of the room Rhea grabs her by the arm gently.

"You're not giving up on yourself like that. I won't let you."

"And what are you gonna do if I say you don't have a choice, Rhea?" Sam tests.

Rhea raises an eyebrow and lowers her voice. "Remember that day you pouted through the airport and what I did when we got back to the hotel? That's what I'll do. Because you're not giving up and that's final."

Sam can't help but blush at the thought. While she didn't particularly enjoy what went down that day, she also thoroughly felt thrilled by it. She's half tempted to keep pushing just so Rhea will do it again. But she decides not to.

"Fine." She says and sits back down on her stool, grabbing a fresh paintbrush.

"That's my girl. Now, if you need a little motivation." She says as she starts taking her clothes off.

Sam bites her lip and watches Rhea pose suggestively again and immediately sets to painting. She focuses less on the movement of her hand and more on the painting she wants to accomplish. As she does, she finds it easier to paint like she used to.

Rhea smiles proudly as she notices the joy return to Sam's face. The pure happiness that she hasn't seen since before she was injured. She waits patiently as Sam finishes painting and steps back to admire her work.

"This is amazing." Sam whispers, "Come see it babe."

"I don't need to. I can tell by the look in your eyes. Come here baby." Rhea says, not moving from her position on the floor.

Sam walks over and kneels down next to her. That is until Rhea pulls her down on top of her, wraps a leg around her and starts making out with her earning a gasp from Sam.

"Babe...what are you...doing?" She asks between kisses.

"If you ever tell anyone this you won't sit for a week." Rhea simply replies as she starts tugging on Sam's shirt.

Sam blushes and holds her arms up, allowing Rhea to pull her shirt off.

"Tell anyone what?" She inquires, though she has an idea of what she's going to say.

"That you're topping tonight." Rhea whispers.

Sam pulls back and looks in Rhea's eyes. The seriousness in them ignites a fire in her as she stops Rhea from stripping her and pins her arms above her head.

"I'm gonna enjoy every second of this." Sam smirks

"Fuck. It's gonna be a long night, huh?" Rhea asks.

"You know it." Sam says as she grinds her hips against Rhea's center, earning a small moan from her.

"Fucking tease.." Rhea complains.

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