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Weeks go by with Sam and Rhea teasing each other constantly, laughing about everything. The divorce papers were finally sent off, and Jordan even gave up and signed them.

"I'm officially a divorcee." Sam says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"What's wrong, Sweetness? Aren't you happy?" Rhea asks.

"Of course! I'm just..I don't know. I liked having the title of being a wife I guess." She says and shrugs.

Rhea smiles and wraps her arms around Sam's waist from behind. She gently rubs her stomach and plants a kiss on her cheek.

"Well, you're my girl now. 100%." She says.


"Yes, Sweetness?"

Sam turns her head and looks into Rhea's eyes.

"I love you."

Rhea's eyes light up in excitement as she spins Sam around and lifts her so that her legs are wrapped around Rhea's hips.

"I love you more, baby." She replies.

Sam smiles and runs her fingers through Rhea's hair as she kisses her deeply.

"What should we do now?" She asks.

"I have an idea, but we'll need to go shopping for supplies." Sam smiles.

"What kind of supplies?" She asks.

"It's a surprise. Let's go." Sam replies and Rhea grabs her keys, phone and wallet before walking out the front door still carrying Sam.

Sam laughs as she carried her to her truck and sets her into the front seat.

"You're such a romantic." Sam says and Rhea sticks her tongue out at her.

She gets in the driver's seat and starts pulling out of the driveway when she realizes she has no idea where she's going.

"Let's go to the craft store." Sam says sensing her confusion.

"Why the craft store?" Rhea questions and Sam shakes her head.

Rhea groans in frustration, earning a giggle from Sam as she drives to the nearest craft store. They walk inside and Rhea watches in confusion as Sam makes her way effortlessly through the store. It's as if she's the one who stocked the shelves. She knows what she wants and exactly where to find it. She grabs buckets of different colored paints, adds what Rhea can only assume is a million different paintbrushes. All of different sizes, shapes and textures. Then she adds a giant art easel as well as a pack of four giant canvases.

"Okay, I think that's all I need for now."

"Oh is that all?" Rhea chuckles and Sam playfully smacks her arm.

"Let's go." Sam says.

The two go to the checkout counter and Sam goes to swipe her card but it declines.

"Shit." She says and shakes her head.

Jordan owns her bank account, therefore he has her money, and she feels stupid for forgetting about it. Without hesitation, Rhea swipes her card and helps carry the items to the truck without a word about the transaction.

"You didn't have to do that." Sam speaks up, shame in her voice.

"You don't need to feel ashamed about it, babe. We'll get you a new account. Of your own for you to do with as you wish."

Sam smiles at the offer and reaches for Rhea's free hand, who immediately squeezes hers as she drives back home. Once they get there, they unload the truck and Sam sets up in the living room.

Rhea watches as she moves furniture to the side, unfolds and sets down a giant floor protector and sets a canvas up on the easel. She then rushes to the kitchen, comes back out carrying a barstool and sets it in the middle of the protector.

"Tada!" She smiles happily and Rhea raises an eyebrow.

"What's this?"

"I'm going to paint you!" She says.

"You paint?" Rhea asks.

"Yeah. It's kind of what I do for a living. I've just...been taking a break. Jordan never liked what I come up with so.." she starts speaking self-consciously.

"Where do you want me?" Rhea asks and kisses her cheek making the excited little smile return to Sam's face.

"On the stool! Just pose however you want. Or you can just sit there. Whatever you want." Sam smiles.


Rhea goes to the stool and starts to sit when Sam speaks up.



"Take your clothes off first." Sam smirks.

Rhea chuckles and her smile drops when she notices the seriousness exuding from Sam. She returns the smirk and slowly strips out of her clothes as Sam watches, biting her bottom lip.

Once she's fully naked, she watches as Sam's eyes take her in again from head to toe.

"Jeez you're so fucking gorgeous." Sam whispers.

Rhea laughs a little, sits on the stool and smirks.

"However I want?" She asks.

Sam nods and Rhea props her feet up on the bar of the stool, spreads her legs slowly and places her hands on the stool in between them. She leans forward a little, her arms bulging as she puts her weight on them. A smirk creeps across her lips as Sam nearly buckles at the sight.

"Fucking hell..." she whispers.

"Paint, Sam." Rhea grins.

Sam kneels down and opens different colored paints, dipping her brushes in some, mixing colors on her palette to find the perfect shades, then stands and sets to painting the canvas.

Rhea's smirk doesn't fade once as she sits there, unmoving, watching her girlfriend's focused look as she paints. Silence fills the room for the next hour as Sam paints away. Her brushes against the canvas the only sound they hear besides a clock ticking in the distance.

"Done." Sam finally says.

Rhea stands from the stool and stretches her muscles as she walks over to the canvas and takes a look. She gasps as she realizes how amazing it actually is. It's a spot on image of her, how she was sitting and everything. It's almost like Sam just took a photo of her.

"You even got all my tattoos." Rhea says in awe.

"If you hate it we can burn it." Sam blushes.

"Hate it? Burn it? I fucking love it." Rhea exclaims and throws her arms around Sam, not caring that she's getting the paint she got on her clothes all over her chest and stomach.

"You really love it?" Sam asks and Rhea nods.

"This is amazing babe. I think I may even have an idea for you for a job."

"Oh yeah?" Sam asks.

"Yeah but first, I'm so gonna reward you for this." She says as she starts pulling Sam's clothes off.

The two make love right in the middle of the floor, paint drippings smearing across their backs, hair and stomachs as they roll around in it. Nothing but the sounds of their moans, and an occasional scream, fills the room for the rest of the night.

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