The Promise

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Note: this part will be from Rhea's perspective. Still 3rd person, but following Rhea. If this gets confusing let me know and I'll stick with the original perspective.

Trigger warning: this part will mention thoughts of suicide

"Where is she?" Rhea mumbles as she drives slowly through the neighborhood.

She checks every park in the area, every bus stop around and every bench she can find. There's no way Sam ran that far on her own that fast. She was wearing her heels from the bar still and, unless she took them off, her feet would be killing her.

Rhea sighs and decides to make her way home, unsure that she'll ever find Samantha again. Tears well up in her eyes as she drives over a bridge. She looks over towards the passenger side and sniffles, noticing somebody standing on the edge on the opposite side of the barrier.

She hits the brakes making the tires squeal on the concrete and the cars behind her to swerve to avoid hitting her from behind. Rhea gets out of the car and runs towards the woman she recognizes as Sam who is staring down at the water below.

"Sam!" She shouts, wanting to reach for her.

Samantha looks over her shoulder and moves a little making Rhea stop dead in her tracks.

"Don't come any closer!" She shouts back.

Rhea can't help the tears that are flowing down her cheeks as she looks at the vulnerable woman standing literally on the edge.

"Sam I am so, so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Never." Rhea says.

"You may not think you did but you did. I saw the look in your eyes! The anger! You're just like him." Sam says and looks back down at the water again, her bare feet scooting closer to the edge.

Her words feel like a knife straight to Rhea's heart. She has to fight back a sob. Sam is more important right now than her feelings. Sam's safety is the only thing that matters.

"No, Sam. No. That's not true. I'm not like him. I would never purposely hurt you. That was an accident and I promise it won't happen again. Never again. As long as you're with me I won't let that happen again."

Samantha cries and her knees start to give out. She's coming around and Rhea takes her chance. She runs up behind Sam and wraps her arms around her waist.

"No! Let me go! Let me die!" She screams and Rhea pulls her back to safety.

The two collapse to the ground with Rhea holding Sam in her lap, holding her head to her chest and stroking her hair.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here. I'm not leaving you." Rhea soothes.

She doesn't realize a crowd has gathered around until Sam's exhaustion rushes over her. Rhea frowns at the whispers and stands with Sam in her arms, shielding her face for her as she puts her in her car.

Rhea drives Sam home, finally allowing herself to sob quietly as Sam sleeps soundly next to her. She almost lost someone she cares deeply for. Someone who deserves the world. Someone she only just met, but feels extremely attached to. All because she let her anger get the better of her. Not anymore. She has to leave Rhea's anger in the ring. She has to remind herself she can be Rhea, without being Rhea.

As she gets back home she carries Samantha's suitcase inside before grabbing her from the front seat and carrying her to her room. She gently places Sam on the bed and covers her up. A tear falls from her face as she watches her sleep for a moment before sitting in the chair next to the bed again like she had done the night before.

"R-Rhea?" Sam whispers without opening her eyes.

Rhea clears her throat and wipes her tear, "I'm here."

"Can you..hold me.." Sam asks.

Without hesitation, Rhea stands and takes off the opened button up shirt she was wearing off before she slips under the covers next to Sam. She wraps gentle arms around Sam and pulls her as close to her body as she can get. Their legs intertwine and Rhea watches Sam's face relax. She traces Sam's cheek with ever so gently with her thumb where the bruise has formed. Tears well up in her eyes again as she realizes she did that to her.

"It's not your fault. I'm sorry." Sam whispers and Rhea shushes her softly.

"Don't you apologize for my mistakes."

Sam opens her eyes and takes Rhea's face in. The cuts she has from the broken glass. The handprint bruise that is appearing on her neck. All the defense wounds she has from saving Sam, and she repays her by threatening to jump to her death and saying that she's just like her husband.

"Rhea?" She whispers again.

"Yes, Sweetness?" Rhea replies.

Instead of replying, Sam looks at the woman's lips. They part slightly, expecting, and Sam obliges, pressing her lips to Rhea's. The kiss is soft, but firm enough to tell Rhea all she needs to know. That her feelings for Sam are mutual.

Rhea holds her tighter and kisses her back, noticing how soft and warm her lips are. It's almost like electricity in their lips as the kiss grows deeper. They kiss for a solid minute before Sam finally pulls back for air. They hold each other there, chests heaving, foreheads beading with anxious sweat.

"Promise you won't leave me?" Sam asks. 

"I promise, Sweetness." Rhea replies and kisses her forehead.

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