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Two days later it's finally time for the wedding. Sam is rushing around alone in her dressing room, trying to zip her dress. She holds back tears as she's starting to feel just as alone now as she did on her first wedding day.

There's a knock at the door and she exhaustedly whines and stomps her foot.

"Come in!" She says as she throws one arm over her shoulder and bends the other one backwards trying to reach her zipper.

Dom walks in and chuckles immediately at the sight.

"I thought you might need some help. It looks like I was right." He says.

"Yes please just help me!" She says frustratedly.

Dom walks over to Sam, letting the door shut behind him, and zips her dress up.

"Thank you! I thought I was going to have to go out there holding my dress to my boobs." Sam pouts.

Dom chuckles again and grabs a tissue to dab at the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Good thing I came when I did. I doubt Rhea would have liked having the chance of your boobs being exposed out there." He tries to joke.

Something in Sam's eyes catches his attention. They look sad, almost regretful.

"Hey. What's up?" He asks.

Sam diverts her eyes and goes to the vanity, sitting and touching up her smudged makeup.

"It's nothing." She replies.

"You're not thinking about backing out are you?" He asks.

Sam sighs and looks at the concerned face of Dominik in the mirror.

"No..I don't know..I don't think so.." she stutters in reply.

Dom walks over, turns her chair to face him and looks at her again.

"Talk to me. What's going through your mind?" He asks.

"I just feel alone right now. I have nobody here. Everyone here is there to support Rhea. Her family..her..her sister.." Sam looks down.

"I wouldn't say that. You're definitely not alone, Sam. Everyone that's here for her is here for you too. Me, Finn, Damian. We love you. And Rhea's family? Her sister? They're your family now too." Dom smiles.

Sam is taken aback by his words. Is that true? That Rhea's family is also now Sam's family? Legally, she's marrying into it. But she hasn't even met them yet so how does she know if they'll like her enough?

"Don't think about it too much, Sam. Rhea has told them all about you. Talks about you all the time. They may not know you yet, but trust me. They know you." He says before standing.

Sam nods and gives a small smile, her heart starting to beat normally again. Relief flowing over her. Dom smiles as she stands.

"I wish my dad could walk me down the aisle. I had nobody last time either."

"Well you have 3 guys, who definitely aren't your dad, but that will make sure you're not walking alone." He says as he holds an arm out for Sam to lead the way.

She hears the music playing outside, signaling that it's time for her to walk, and she walks out of the dressing room to Finn and Damian each holding an elbow out on either side of the door.

Sam smiles big, takes their arms and walks outside with Dom holding the tail of her dress out behind her. She has to fight back happy tears as the three men she's become so close to walk her down the aisle to Rhea, who's waiting in a black dress with small purple sequins scattered about - of course.

Rhea has the biggest smile on her face that Sam has ever seen on her. On or off screen. As Sam makes it to stand across from her the room goes quiet as the music stops and everyone settles into their seats.

The pastor starts speaking all the jargon they go through. Rhea's smile doesn't fade once and neither does Sam's. Not until they say their vows and it comes time to say "I do".

"Demi, do you take Samantha to to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, through sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

Rhea smiles and immediately says "I do." As she holds Sam's hands.

The pastor turns to Sam and repeats the saying, reversing their names. "...till death do you part?"

Sam's smile fades, her mouth opens but nothing comes out. Rhea's smile falters as she waits.

"Samantha? Are you alright?" The pastor whispers.

Sam looks at him then back at Rhea and her voice quivers.


Rhea recognizes the fear settling in her eyes and remembers her saying the abuse with Jordan didn't start until the night they married. Rhea squeezes her hands gently.

"Remember what I promised you." Rhea whispers.

Sam's nerves start to calm again and she anxiously says, "I do."

The pastor and everyone surrounding them smiles and he says, "I now pronounce you wife, and wife. You may kiss!"

Rhea gently grabs Sam's face and embraces her with a kiss as the people around them cheer in happiness.

"I love you so much." Rhea says as she puts her forehead to Sam's.

"Did you see who's here?" She whispers.

Sam frowns, "who?"

Rhea points over Sam's shoulder to someone in the audience. Sam turns and sees her sister, Thea, standing there taking pictures. When she notices Sam looking, she slowly lowers her camera and stands there awkwardly, not knowing how Sam will react.

"Thea?" She whispers.

Thea takes a step forward, hoping Sam will accept that she's there. When Sam grabs her dress, lifts the skirt and starts to run towards her, tears run down both of their faces.

"Oh my God!! I can't believe you're here!" Sam shouts as she throws her arms around her sister.

"I'm so sorry, Sam." Thea cries.

"It's okay! You're here now! That's what matters." Sam cries back.

"Rhea found me. Well, she and the guys did. I didn't think you would want me here but they talked me into coming."

Sam turns to Rhea, who is standing just behind her now, and wipes at her tears so she can see.

"You did this?" She asks and Rhea nods, smiling.

Sam throws her arms around Rhea's neck and holds her tight, burying her face in her neck. Rhea responds by wrapping her arms around Sam's waist and kissing her forehead.

"I love you so much, babe." Sam says.

"I love you more, Sweetness."

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