Mile High

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The next day, Samantha and Rhea are lying on top of the sheets, Rhea with her arms wrapped around Sam. She's tracing figures on Rhea's chest as they lie there in silence for a few minutes.

"I can hear the gears spinning in your head." Rhea speaks softly as she starts to stroke Sam's hair.

"It's nothing." Sam replies and kisses her chest.

"You can tell me."

Sam looks up at Rhea's eyes and a blush creeps over her face as she looks down at her. There's something about the way she looks at her that sends shivers down her spine every time.

"I was just thinking how you're completely different from your character." Sam says.

Rhea raises an eyebrow and sighs.

"Of course I am. Rhea is just...she's fictional." She replies finally.

"Then why does everyone outside of WWE call you Rhea still? I mean I know you said I can call you Demi but it feels weird when everyone else still calls you Rhea."

Rhea kisses the top of Sam's head before slipping out from under her and sitting up on the edge of the bed. She grabs her pants and pulls them on in silence. Sam frowns and props herself up on her elbow.

"I'm sorry. Don't be mad, we can talk about something else."

Rhea looks over her shoulder at Sam and looks her up and down before shaking her head and grabbing her shirt.

"I'm not mad. It's time to head to the airport, the Uber will be here soon."

"If you're not mad, why won't you answer me?" She pushes and Rhea pulls her shirt on before standing and turning towards Sam.

"Because I'm not a confident person. I'm shy. I'm quiet. Rhea is confident, definitely not shy nor is she quiet. So through her in a way." She replies, a blush of her own threatening to rear its head on her cheeks.

Sam smiles, gets up on her knees and waddles her way across the bed to Rhea, wrapping her arms around her neck.

"You're beautiful, smart, and incredibly fucking talented. You're not living through Rhea, Rhea is living through you." Sam replies and pulls Rhea's head to her before she can protest.

The two share a passionate kiss before Rhea wraps her arms around Sam's waist, hoists her up off the bed and sets her down.

"You need to get some clothes on." She smiles.

"Maybe I don't want to." Sam teases before kissing her again.

"You need to get some clothes on." Rhea replies with a hint of sternness in her voice before adding, "Because this..." she smacks her ass and grips it, "is mine and mine only to look at."

Sam throws her hands up and walks away with her knees feeling weak after hearing Rhea say what she did. Rhea laughs at the sight and shakes her head before grabbing their luggage and carrying it outside just as the Uber pulls up. She places the bags in the trunk, looks at her watch and shakes her head.

"We're so going to be late." She whispers just as Sam comes running outside.

"I know I know let's go!" She says and practically throws herself into the car just as Rhea opens the door.

A few hours later they're finally in the air and Sam is leaned back in the first-class seat munching on what has to be the crunchiest bag of chips Rhea has ever heard.

"You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" She chuckles.

Sam looks up and can't help but let out a small laugh.

"Sorry, I've never been in first-class."

Rhea wraps an arm around her and puts on a horror movie for them to watch on the small television screen in front of them. They have a long flight ahead.

"Rhea?" Sam speaks about halfway through the movie.

Half asleep, Rhea doesn't immediately notice the hand on her thigh, creeping its way up. She doesn't notice it's there until she hums in acknowledgement earning a sexy giggle from Sam. Her eyes pop open and she looks down at her lap.

"Ever joined the mile high club?" Sam asks.

Just as she opens her mouth to answer, Sam slips her hand into the front of her pants. A small moan escapes Rhea's lips, the first time Sam has been able to surprise her.

"No.." She finally replies.

"Time to find out if Mami is really always on top." Sam whispers in her ear as she straddles her and pins her to her seat.

"You dirty, dirty girl." Rhea whispers with a frustrated smirk.

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