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I feel it as it rushes down my legs, the sticky warmth streaming thickly across my flesh. Like a black widow it traps me in its gooey webs. The unsavory smell of iron that seems to be embedded in my senses at this point. I was told there would be blood, and a lot of it, but nothing prepared me for this. Waking up in a pool of my own thick hot crimson blood, trying to control my heart that breaks relentlessly my chest. The cramping has been constant for the last two days, like someone was digging a spiteful knife directly through groin, twisting it on its way in. Every sharp stab in my stomach a painful reminder of what I did, what had been done to me. Like a greedy mistress it came in and stole everything, robbing me of all I loved. I thought getting rid of it would have cured me of all my problems, but it did quite the opposite. Instead I'm full of grief, mourning a life I will never have. Missing a person I have yet to meet. Maybe in another life I would have everything I ever wanted, but in this world it is far from that. I wish it could have all been different. If I could turn back the hands of time and have it my way I would have never left to begin with, spending the last five years falling in love with Noah. Jasper never a thought, never a problem. But that's only a world that lives deep within my mind, a place I will never know. A world where there was no hurt or sorrow, but beautiful love and warmth. Instead I'm left with a barren body that holds nothing but hate. Hate for the world and anyone who occupies it.

  "What the fuck do you want?" Mel's large voice booming throughout the condo is what pulls me from my sleep.

  Her abrupt bass startling me slightly as my body jolts upward, blanket pooling around my waist. My heart picking up a quick tempo as I listen for whoever to respond, the blood pumping loudly in my ears almost drowning out every other noise around me. It's silent for a moment, the deafening kind that makes it almost impossible to breath.

  "I'm looking for Veronica"

As soon as I hear the words leaving his mouth, I know exactly who's speaking. My throat drying up as I freeze in place, unable to move, speak, or even think properly.

  How did he find me? He must of tailed me last night. But why? There was nothing left to say, the spark was extinguished a long time ago. At least on my end.

  "There's no one here by that name" Mel speaks once again.

  "Yes there is! Long bleached hair, blue eyes. I saw her come here last night" Noah begins to plea his desperate demand, voice raising in pinch as he becomes exasperated.

  "Listen, I don't know who the fuck you are but for the SECOND time there's no Veronica here. Also I suggest you leave before I put my foot up your ass" Mellie's patience is ticking away, a fact made clear by the timbre she now caries. She may be a dainty woman, but she's as aggressive as they come. By the tone of her voice I can tell it won't be long before she's acting on impulse. And as much as I despise Noah, no one deserves to be in her line of fire.

   As quickly as I can manage. I stand from the bed. Somehow finding enough strength and courage to walk out of my room and down the hall. Noah coming into view as he stands on the other side of my front door, head low and looking disheveled. He's dressed in the same clothes as last night. His eyes are tired, deep purple circles kissing the underneath. His hair falling in his tired, reddened face.

  "What's going on?" I manage to find my voice, causing them both to snap their heads in my direction.

  "This asshole keeps asking for a Veronica, but like I keep telling him there's no one here by that name" Mel is the first to speak, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest. She delivers her statement with an unholy amount of sass. Which makes me chuckle slightly.

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