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He is caught off guard.

I can tell by the way his lips stiffen for a moment before finally melting into my own. This is exactly what I need. A physical distraction from the shitshow called my life, it wouldn't be the first time I had sex side street.

It's the easiest way to escape from reality, my own virtue.

I deepen the lip lock, slipping my tongue into his parted mouth as I bring my hands up to tangle into his soft hair and pull his head back and expose his beautifully inked skin.

He's so perfect

Far too perfect

  Like an otherworldly being far too ethereal for this dystopian called life.

Continuing my assault against his skin, my lips crawl down his tensed throat. Feeling as the muscles clench beneath my touch. He lets out a throaty grunt as I do so, trying to swallow it back as soon as it comes up. But it's too late. I have heard exactly what I can do to him and it's turning me feral. I take a the skin of his throat between my teeth as I trail my hand down his stomach. Going agonizingly slow, I dig my nails slightly into the tender flesh. His entire body stiffening with pleasure as I make it to his waist band. Fingers dancing across the elastic lining of his boxers that peak out over his denim, teasing him more.

I've got him right where I want him.

And I can't help smile at the thought, knowing the effect I have. Knowing how to get any man to fold beneath me. It's like a drug that I can't seem to steer clear from, power and control being my ultimate vice. My one kryptonite.

I slide my hand behind the elastic, ready to cross the blurred lines we had somewhat strewed up between us. I can't tell where we stand at the moment, and my mind has been far too foggy to even try to pick apart how I feel about him. All I know is I need him to take my mind off of the worry and the pain that has built up in my life lately.

"Roni" he says breathlessly, grabbing my wrist to halt me in my actions.

My head snaps up to meet his gaze. Lust drunk with a sloppy smile and half shut eyes. He's effortlessly sensual and captivating. Whiskey eyed and messy haired, his left arm thrown back behind his head and the other one is gripping my own. He is ecstasy in human form.

"What?" I whisper, sipping back a bundle of nerves that have sprung to my throat.

He removes his hand from mine, bringing it up to rub against my jawline and give me a soft smile. It's breathtaking and wanderlust, as his almond eyes twinkle with an unreadable emotion. It's the same look that had me hooked a lifetime ago. Innocent and sincere, almost as if he really cared.

"Not like this, baby" he coos

His statement catches me by surprise, as I gaze up his him through my thickly coasted lashes. I'm shocked to say the least, not happy to once again be let down by Noah.

Four days later

Wet pillowy lips connecting to my jawline is what wakes me up. The heat radiating through my bones as he trails his mouth down my neck, landing on the divet of my shoulder. He digs his chin into the pocket, his warm early morning breath cascading across my cold skin. Provoking goosebumps to break out a long my body, heat boiling at my center. A heavy sleepy smile paints my face before I peel my tired eyes open as the sun that leaks through the small crack in my curtains. Blinding my sensitive orbs. Screwing them shut as I hear Noah laugh from beside me, pulling me closer into his embrace.

Glass Hearts || Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now