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As soon as my eyes peel apart I am overran with a thick sadness. Unable to sleep off the disgusted feeling that had overcame me at some point after everything that happened. Embarrassment and shame plaguing me, causing a dull ache to erupt in my bones. At first I thought maybe it was just a dream, but when I'm still in Noah's oversized jacket with nothing but my unclasped bra underneath I quickly realize it was quite the opposite. I don't remember getting home, much less going to bed. Last I could recall I was looking out the window, watching the city as it passed me by. He must of brought me to my bed.

   I let out a throaty groan, not ready to take on the day but ultimately finding enough strength to peel out from under the covers. I gather some fresh clothes to change into, stepping out of the jacket and bra. Slipping on fresh undergarments before throwing a thin crew neck and leggings on over them. I can't be bothered to do my hair or makeup, not that I have anyone to look good for anyway. I'll have to have Mel take me to the club at some point today to gather my belongings I left behind. I'm not sure if she knows what happened but I'd rather spare her the details if I can. Save myself the shame of being weak enough to fall victim again, and spare everyone of her merciless wrath.

she will catch the world on fire.

  I open my door to exist, being met with the sweet smell of warm cinnamon as soon as I depart from my room. Mel must be making the pack I had picked up for breakfast. The thought provoking my stomach to let out a hungry moan as I make my way down the hall. When I'm within eyesight of the kitchen, I could nearly faint at what I see.

  Noah standing over a full trey of pastries, lathering them with a thick layer of icing. His hair pushed out of his face, but a few stubborn locks fall onto his forehead and into his line of sight. Watching the scene brings back of plethora of memories, him baking for me when I would be out as a surprise for when I returned home. He knew the way straight to my heart has ultimately always been through my stomach, especially with cinnamon rolls. They always brought me back to a simple time, with the people I loved most.

   "Hey" I greet after a moment, causing his head to snap up and lock eyes with me.

  He gives me a wide eyed smile, spatular full of white sticky frosting in his left hand as the other one comes up to wave.

  "Hey. I'm glad to see you're finally awake" he speaks gently as he places the utensil down, freeing both his hands so he can round the small island.

  He walks cautiously towards me, taking slow strides to not startle me. I can't help but watch him intently as he walks over, taking in the beautiful man he has become come over the last two years. His muscular jaw pulled tight as he grins widely at me, brown eyes twinkling. His burly arms coming up as he gets closer, taking me into a tight hug before I can register what's going on. Taking me into him and wrapping me in his warmth as his musk once again fills my senses. His touch intoxicating me and causing my body to relax into him. The weight of last nights events melting away as I feel his hands run up my back, drawing comforting circles. Normally I would be pissed that he even stepped foot into my home, but given the circumstances I can only find it in me to get grateful for him. I return the hug, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close. Finally feeling safe.

  After a moment we let each other go, my face warming up as my attention is brought back to his smiling face.

  "I made you your favorite" he beams with pride, showcasing the hot tray of gooey cinnamon rolls as he makes his way back over to the counter they sit on.

  "I know. I could smell them as soon as I walked out of my room" I reply, taking the empty barstool that's tucked away under the island and sitting on it.

Glass Hearts || Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now