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Time stands still for who knows how long as we both stare at eachother. Eyes locked, mouth hanging open as the world is fuzzy and warmth rushes to my face. I can't tell if he wants to hug me, scream at me or walk away. But he does none of the above. He just stays silent, taking in all my changes and trying to wrap his head around what is happening. He clearly wasn't expecting to see me open up the door and I wasn't anticipating him to be the one interrupting whatever was going on between Noah and I.

   But he was my harsh reality check.

I'm not even sure how he found me, or why he is here but if I had to take a guess it's safe to assume it all boils down to Noah.

"I can't believe that it's you" he finally says, breaking the silence with his airy voice that comes out just above a whisper.

"Ditto" it's all I can manage to say in the moment, as I try to take in how much he has visibly changed over the last two years. He looks nearly the same, other than being decorated with more art work and having a sharper jaw. He's cut now, no longer the lean guy I knew before but a man built with a robust body. It's like all the men have spent the greater part of the last two years building up their physique.

It's at that moment I hear Noah's heavy steps approach me from behind, but I am still in too much of a shock to do anything other than stare at the man who stands a few feet from me.

His eager padding stops as soon as he gets a view of the front door, muttering profanities as he see his friend on the other end.

Folios eyes snap behind me for a second before returning back to my face. The both of us never expecting to see the other beyond the door. My mind is full of questions, just as I am sure his is too.

"Do you want to come in?" I offer after a moment.

He simply shakes his head yes before stepping in silently. I lead the three of us into my kitchen, allowing the two men to take a seat at the island while I start a pot of coffee.

Just like with Noah, I never anticipated on seeing Folio again. So it goes without saying that I didn't prepare myself to face him or the questions I'm sure he has. My hands tremble almost uncontrollably as I reach for a trio of mugs nestled away in a top cabinet, the sounds of the thick porcelain clicking together as my unsteady hands grab them.

I feel Noah snake his arm around my waist, his other one coming over my shoulder, holding me steady as he takes the cups from my hand. Lowering his face to my own before speaking.

"I got it, pretty girl. Go sit down" he encourages, to which I eagerly oblige.

I take his spot next to Folio, feeling the tension grow more profound than before; if at all possible. I make an effort to rest my eyes anywhere but on him, feeling as he burns holes into me with his inquisitive gaze. It feels like seeing I am a ghost, and by the way the color drained from his face I know he feels the same.

My stomach twists in knots, tangling with nerves as I continue to sulk in the awkwardness around us. Noah now stands in front of Folio and I, mixing cream and sugar into our cups before scooting them in front of us.

Eagerly my hands grasp my mug, taking it up to my lips and swallowing back two hot mouthfuls in order to moisten my bone dry throat.

"So..." folio begins after taking a few gracious sips of his own "what the fuck is happening?" Getting the question out causes him to sound exasperated, voice raising in octave as he asks.

I can understand his confusion, hell, I am confused as well. But it's hard to come up with a good answer to it. What do I say?

Noah found me dancing on a pole the last you guys were in Vegas, followed me back to my house and hasn't left me alone since. That's why he ditched the tour and has left you guys in the dark?

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