19. (Part 1)

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I can't do this.

My mind spins and causes a thick cloud of confusion to blur my conscious. My hands shake as they fumble with the button on my denim shorts.

  I initially told Folio no- I did NOT want to go to whatever gathering the rest of the band had planned. It's been an eventful enough day already, I didn't want to add in seeing everyone I betrayed two years ago. At least not in one day. But I quickly changed my mind after seeing the hurt and disappointment in Folio's eyes. The way his head hung low almost immediately after shutting his idea down. It broke my heart to disappoint him.. again. So I retracted my statement and gave him a tight lipped yes.

  Now here I am, two and a half hours, three outfits and two rounds of makeup later , staring at myself in the dingy mirror to make sure I am dressed appropriately. After debating on whether or not to go all out or take a more causal approach I decided to land somewhere in the middle. Short jean shorts and a cut up Metallica shirt, I feel like I will fit right in with a group of rockstars.

  I can only hope they accept me with open arms.. again.

  I let out a shaky breath as I comb through the waves that I left in my hair after I showered. It's been so long since I've seen myself with my natural hair pattern, it almost doesn't look like me. I'm not sure what caused me to make the change, I just felt compelled to take off one of the many layers I masked up with over the years.

  I watch as Noah slowly approaches me from behind. He swapped out his earlier attire for a white death note tee shirt and black joggers. He had gotten his hair cut the other day, it's even shorter than before. The longest layer resting above the tips of his ears as the sides are shaved down. He stands behind me, looking at my reflection for a moment before wrapping his inked arms around my waist and nesting his chin onto my shoulder. He gives me a toothy smile through the mirror, causing my lips to turn upwards.

  "You look beautiful, Roni. And I love your hair when you don't straighten it" he compliments, picking up a strand of my strawberry blonde locks and twirling it around for a moment before letting it fall back down.

  My cheeks flush violently, I can see the tinge of red that washes over them as I stare at the two of us through the glass. He so much bigger than I, towering above me by over a foot. Broad in comparison to my miniature physique. I never noticed our size difference, and how he could swallow me completely with his arms.

  "Thank you" it comes out small, my voice getting lost somewhere while we maintain eye contact through the mirror.

  Slowly, he brings his hand back up to pull away the hair that's fallen on the right side of my neck. Pushing it back and planting a delicate kiss on the exposed flesh. His soft lips cause a rash of goosebumps to breakout along my body, the hairs on my arm sticking straight up. He doesn't break eye contact as he runs his mouth up my neck, peppering soft kisses as he makes his way to my ear and whispers.

   "Maybe later we can finish what we started this morning" he cracks a devilish grin after speaking, bringing his hands off my body and giving me a small smack across my ass.

  I'm at a loss for words as I watch him turn in his heels and head towards the door. He stops as he reaches the threshold, turning his head around to lock eyes and in that moment I know I'm done for.

  His mouth parted and corners turned to showcase his picture perfect teeth. The crinkles next to his lips deepen, and the ones that hug the corner of his eyes show. His beautiful warm eyes possess an enchanting allure, like warm caramel kissed by the sun. The depths of those eyes hold a universe of emotions, from gentle warmth to smoldering intensity. They have always had a way of drawing me in, capturing my gaze and refusing to let go. The richness of their hue, like a velvety chocolate, adds a touch of mystery and depth to him. With every glance, they speak volumes, conveying tenderness, passion, and a world of unspoken secrets.

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