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Noah's POV

     By the time i am parking in front of Roni's condo I notice she is fast asleep in the passenger seat. Her head leaning against the window, eyes screwed shut and mouth agape slightly. She's peaceful when she sleeps, and I know it's a much needed break from the nightmare of her reality. I was skeptical about cancelling the the rest of the festivals we had scheduled for the next few weeks. Unsure of how she was going to react to my original plan of attempting to talk to her when she got off work. I knew she wouldn't be happy to see me again, but I was prepared to fix us at all costs. But now, more than anything I am so fucking glad I ultimately made that decision. I watched her from a far all evening, seeing her eventually go into that room. I had a sick feeling the second I saw that guy stalking her every move tonight. My worst fears being confirmed when I heard her screaming and begging for him to stop. Sounding so small and scared, it made a blinding anger overcome me. Seeing him holding her down, hearing her as she fearfully sobbed. It snapped something inside of me, provoking a ravenous rage. I don't think I'll ever get the sound of her screams out of my head, or the look on her face that's burned into my memory. How anyone could do that to someone is beyond me, especially my sweet Veronica.

  I let out a small sigh, shaking my head at the thought. I just need to get her inside and into bed. I exit the car and make my way over to the passenger side, opening the door carefully. It takes me a little longer than expected to gingerly take off her seatbelt. But I manage to do so without disturbing her slumber. Taking her into my arms bridal style is how I am able to remove her from the car, her featherweight body being easy to carry. Shes minuscule in comparison to me, making me almost afraid that I will accidentally hurt her. Taking my time to walk up the small flight of steps, careful to not wake her. When I finally reach the top of the staircase it's not long before I spot the door labeled 213. Upon approaching it I give two sturdy kicks, hoping her roommate is awake on the other end. I wait a moment before giving it another kick, hearing the locks turn as I do so.

  The small red headed girl from yesterday answers the door, her green eyes twinkling with confusion that quickly turns to concern when she spots Roni in my arms.

  "Shhh" I whisper to her as she opens her mouth to lay into me. "Let me lay her down and I will explain"

  Although apprehensive, she steps aside slowly. Eyes never leaving me as she points me in the direction of Veronica's room. Thankfully the door is already open, just needing a soft push to allow me to step in fully. Her room decorated very minimally, a few drawings hung on her walls, a vanity packed full of various makeup and hairstyling tools.

  Her sweet aroma swirling in the air.

  Her bed is directly in front of me as I walk in, and I am able to gently lay her down. She subconsciously snuggles deep into her pillows as I drape a blanket over her body. I smile at my successes, being able to bring her to bed without causing her to stir. I slowly lower myself down to place a small kiss on her forehead.

  "I love you" I whisper more to myself before turning on my heels and heading towards the door.

  I shut it behind me quietly and make my way back into the living room where the roommate, whose name I haven't caught yet, sits waiting for me. As soon as she sees me approach she is quick on her heels, mouth opening to lay her questions on me.

  "What happened? Why are you bringing her home? Why didn't she call me?" She spitballs at me.

  With a sigh, I run my hands throw my hair. Trying to gather my thoughts. I'm not sure about the specifics, just knowing what I saw and heard.

  "She was back in one of the private rooms with some creature, im not sure what all happened but I heard her screaming. Telling him no. When I made my way into the room I just saw him on top of her, I pulled him off and probably broke his fucking nose. Im not sure why she didn't call you. She probably didn't have her phone on her, we left and didn't bother to grab anything" I give her the run down, and by the end of it the anger has returned and I find myself shaking.

Glass Hearts || Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now