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  I wake the next morning feeling the storm that had raged inside of me subsided, but there's an undeniable heaviness that weighs on my chest. Crushing me in the most minimalistic way possible, making it difficult but not impossible to breathe. There's been entirely too much happening around me lately, and it feels almost as if my body is beginning to just give way. All my fight fleeting from within me, leaving me a hallow body. Too tired to move I lay in bed for what one can only estimate to be hours, gawking at the ceiling as I wait for anything to wake me from this mind numbing nightmare. But nothing ever comes.

  I end up staring into nothing for what I know can only be hours, dreading what's to come when I finally drag myself from bed. Which comes sooner than anticipated, but I can't afford to let much more of the day pass me by.  My body feeling heavy, as I use my weak limbs to push myself up and off my mattress. Hearing my bones crack and moan with displeasure. Standing to my unsteady feet only causes me to feel a wave of dizziness. Swapping out my lounge wear for a white low cut top, and dark denim jeans. Keeping it simple, with little to no motivation for much else anyway.

  Walking out into the living room I'm met with nothing but silence, the faint sound of Bizkit purring somewhere in the distant echoing lowly. I let out a sigh of relief, happy to be met with an otherwise silent and seemingly empty house. I spot my keys and wallet on the counter before I grab them and walk towards the door. Stepping out and kicking it behind me before heading down the long flight of concrete stairs that lead to the sidewalk I am parallel parked along.

  I set my destination to the strip, determined to hit up every club within the 5 mile radius to find a new job.

  Running In and out of the first two clubs with no luck, I figured they just weren't looking to hire anyone. Even with my highly regarded name in the business, they turned me down. I keep my hopes high, knowing that someone will be willing to take me in. But by the time I had ran through pretty much every other club in the city, I knew something was up. They all seemed eager to have me, until I gave them my name and told them I worked for Shawn at Crypt. It didnt take me long to realize that either he blacklisted me, or they were too afraid to take me from him. Either way it was frustrating to say the least, and a complete waste of time and fucking gas.

  The inconvenience of it all does nothing but infuriate me, not understanding why it's so hard to find a place to allow me to parade around half naked. You'd think they would be begging for the girl who was the main act at the biggest club on the strip to be apart of their crew,but no one wanted to cross Shawn.

  After being shut down at the 10th and final club I return to my car with a vicious irritation. Face heating up with a numbing rage that makes my fingers tingle as they squeeze the steering wheel tightly.

  I've been out for hours, and the sun is starting to trial down its path along the sky. Getting closer and closer to setting completely.

  I drive toward the nearest bar, needing a drink to take the edge off and some time to come up with some sort of plan. I wasn't ready to go home, not prepared to face Mellie and certainly not wanting to risk Noah showing up. It feels like I can't have peace even at my own home.

  The establishment isn't far from where I am at, only a five minute drive. Since traffic is light I am able to get there without any issue, parking in the small lot behind the building and stepping out once I'm stopped. It doesn't seem too busy, only a handful of cars in the parking lot that I notice.

  I walk through the doors, being met with a man who's around my age. His mocha skin glowing under the iridescent light, pale brown eyes glimmering with a warm friendliness as he asks for my ID. He scans it for a moment, checking the dates and my pictures to make sure it all matches the way it should. He gives me a nod while handing my card back to me, gesturing with his large hands to walk into the bar. I can feel as the bass rattles lightly in the building, the vibrations pulsing through my chest. The old rock music isn't overbearing, as my sneaker clad feet make their way over to a stool that sits against the bar. The young girl, tending to the patrons needs, with long black hair walks over to me as soon as she sees me sitting down. A welcoming smile paints her face which showcases her set of white teeth. She has her bright green eyes fixed on me, her plump red lips stilled pulled into a grin as she talks.

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