
744 23 10

[[ this chapter will contain content that may be disturbing to some readers!! Brief mentions of sexual misconduct that some may find triggering.
*** will indicate the beginning and end of the scene containing said content. Reader discretion is advised]]

  With my left hand gripping the metal pole, I slowly begin to circle it. One foot after the other as I carefully make my round. I give the crowd a wide smile, teasing them by bringing my leg up and around the pole slowly. Using all my strength to do my final trick, spinning around and throwing my head back before coming down into a split to finish. The crowd going wild, whistles and hungry shouting erupting from the herd. The loud noise echoing throughout the entire building as I pick up the bills from the stage floor. Blowing them a kiss as I walk through the satin curtains to exit the stage.

    "Miss.Blair" I hear his voice as soon as I come back stage, knowing who's speaking to me before even seeing him. His octave high as he singsongs, taking long strides towards me with his lengthy legs. His slender figure, although statured, still towering over me almost embarrassingly as his blue eyes stare harshly into mine. He always seems on edge, eyes bugging out from his slender skull and mouth pulled into a tight line. His greasy blond hair gelled back out of his, his red tracksuit jacket swallowing his gaunt physique.


   It's almost impossible to hold back the look of disgust that wants to take over my face at the sight of him, but I manage to hinder it and give him a small forced grin. My run ins with the big boss come few and far between, and it's never a good sign when he makes an appearance. Even more so when he goes out of his way to greet you.

   "Hello, Shawn. Good to see you" as much as I want to be anywhere but here taking to him, I don't dare to come off impertinent even in slightest. I know my place on this totem pole. He may be an otherwise petite guys and lacking any kind of intimidating demeanor, but being on his bad side is the last thing anyone wants. He is a crooked man with a volatile and unpredictable nature that is not to be taken lightly. The stories I've heard are enough to make anyone think twice about getting on his bad side.

  "How's my best girl?" His disingenuous tone and overzealous words of praise nearly making me regurgitate as he speaks, sickness taking over. He's only this nice to people when he wants or needs something, neither of which can be good for me.

   "Oh I'm just fine" I answer back with a fake tone of my own.

  "That is just wonderful, honey. I'm glad to hear that" he all but yells, swinging his left arm over my shoulder and pulling me close. He begins to escort us back towards the dressing room.

  It's obvious he has something to say me, its written all over his face and by the way he's making an obvious effort to try and butter me up. Being sweeter to me now more so than he has ever been. His hand gripping my shoulder tightly as he walk back to the dressing room. All eyes on us as soon as we enter, Mellie having a knowing glimmer in her eyes as she watches us cautiously.

  "Is everything okay?" I question once we make our way over to my station, taking my chair as he stands behind me and resting both hands resting on either shoulder.

  I observe his reflection, watching as his mouth turns up in a wide smile. The Cheshire grin making my stomach drop in an unpleasant way, knowing whatever he has up his sleeve can't be any good.

  "Yes, my dear Blair. Every this is actually quite perfect " he begins to speak menacingly, lowering himself down so his mouth is all of two inches from my ear. "Especially because I have a guy who's willing to pay triple the cost of the red room"

  I know exactly what he is hinting at, and the thought alone makes me feel sick. I'm due to be off in the next half hour, but by the way his mouth is greedily turned up I know that won't be happening.

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