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  "Nothing is more important than you"

    His words catching me by surprise and causing me to nearly choke on my own drink. My cheeks are surely glowing bright red as I feel the heat rise from my chest to them. I wasn't entirely sure what he would say back to my sly comment, but I wasn't banking on it being anywhere close to that. Bitting my lip to hold back the smile that wants to make its way to my lips, I blame my sudden weakness on the alcohol.

I shake my head at the thoughts. Trying to regain my bearings before I allow my hormones and vodka fueled inhibitions to take over.

"Don't allow me to get in the way." I say with a scoff "again" I add in lowly, just above a whisper.

He doesn't hear my sly comment, or at least doesn't give any indication that he does, as he continues to down his beer. The tension that hangs in the air thickly is enough to make my skin crawl with unease. I can't stand the discomfort. It's clear that things between us are far from normal, despite our best attempts to remain cordial with each other. Conversation comes across as forced, so we don't bother to make much small talk.

We both order a few more rounds, Noah keeping it simple with beers that lasted him far longer than they should. Where I keep the liquor coming as fast as the bartender, who's name I learn is Carmen, can hand them out. He clearly assumed the position of responsibility, and I am all too happy to oblige. I couldn't help but feel the need to get drunk. I needed a distraction from the shit show unfolding right before me, and truthfully it's been a while since I have let loose. And despite my better judgment i manage to accomplish that goal, feeling my body completely relax. Every inkling of worry diminishing with each shot that burns it's way down my throat.

"Woah. I think it's time to go home, pretty girl" Noah says, placing his hands on my hips to prevent me from falling off my stool. I lost my balance sometime after Metallica started to play, my body once again needing to move to the tempo.

I can't help but let out a small squeal, laughter quickly falling from my mouth. His hands feel like hot magma against my skin, making it almost impossible to hold still under his touch

"Don't call me that" I manage to say between the fits of giggles. Swatting away his hands with a playful smack as he attempts to assist me in standing to my feet.

He doesn't do any thing but roll his eyes. Keeping his hands on my hips to steady me as we both stand and ready ourselves to leave. He takes the liberty to pay both our bills and I don't bother to argue with it. He guides me outside where we are met with the cool air that is finally taking over the blazing summer heat. It feels good to have the slightest bit of relief from the scorching heat that has been beating down on Nevada this year. It feels as if summer has been endless, the warmth feeding into October far longer than it should have.

"I'm gonna drive us back to your place" Noah informs me

Normally I would argue with him, but the vodka pulsing through my system takes over my better judgment. Rather than putting up a fight I simply follow him to his car. Giggling as I nearly trip over my own feet while getting in the passenger side. He straps me in before retreating to the drivers side and slipping in.

He begins to drive towards my condo, staying quiet as his eyes are fixed sternly on the road. He's cautious as he weaves in and out of traffic. I can't help but eye him over intently. Completely lost at his beauty. The way his dark locks are thrown out of his face carelessly. Giving me a full view of his whiskey eyes and square jaw. I can see that his shoulder arms are not only more broad, but filled with more perfectly crafted art work. Long inked fingers gripping the steering wheel so tightly I can see the veins bulging out.

Glass Hearts || Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now