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I rummage through my bag for a moment, trying to find the lanyard that holds my house key. I go through this every time I leave my house, but yet I still refuse to attract it to the one I used for my car keys. So in turn I end up spending far too long looking for it, and it always ends up settling at the bottom of my overfilled tote bag. My fingers grazing against the cold metal, as I fight them off of a hairbrush they have somehow gotten tangled in.

"Finally" I mumble to myself as I pull them free. I jam the key into the lock, hearing it turn as I twist it left and pull it out.

I have to put my back into opening it, which causes me to groan. The door has always been below standard, but as the last two years have gone by I find that it gives a bit more resistance with each shut and open. It's about ready to fall from the henges.

When I step into my condo it's quiet, just the sounds of Bizkit purring somewhere around the dark room. I fling my bag to the floor with a sigh, slightly disappointed that Noah isn't here. He didn't mention any plans he had, but then again he wasn't expected to be here anyway. He just made a habit of always being around when I got home and he usually tells me when he has other things to tend to.

I walk over to the kitchen, flinging opening the fridge I spot one of Noah's fruity drinks he's stored away here. I'm sure he won't mind if I drink it, so I grab the cold can and pop the tab.

"To me. I fucking did it" I say as I hold the can in the air before taking a small sip.

To say I'm relieved would be an understatement, it feels good to finally have things back in somewhat of an order. And to finally for once make an honest living. It's scary to start something that feels so new, but I'm sure the pay out will be well worth it when I don't have to fear that my boss will pimp me out when the right number is flashed in his face.

As I begin to scavenge through my cabinets looking for a snack I hear the locks of the front door turning. I know Mel isn't off for a few more hours, and the only other person with a key is my husband.. Noah. It's still weird to think of him with that title, even if it isn't an actual marriage and will be dissolved soon.

After hearing the door open and shut I see exactly who I expected coming into the kitchen. Left hand holding one of my reusable grocery bags decorated with colorful flowers, the other grasping a brown paper one.

"Hey, I didn't know you'd be back already!" He cheers, sitting down the bags and coming over to pull me into a tight hug.

"Yeah, it was really quick and I didn't feel like staying out much later" I admit. By the time the interview was said and done and I was back in my car it was already half past four and I didn't feel like venturing out much more. Part of the reason being because I am just a home body, but another part being that I want to spend as much time with Noah as possible. Which is why I was a bit upset when I thought he was gone for the evening.

"Well, I have a surprise for you" he says as he pulls away.

"What is it?" I ask, watching as he quickly scoops up the bags once again.

"One second" he informs, quickly scurrying outside onto the balcony with his arms full.

I can't help but feel eager as I wait. I can't imagine what he has to show me, what was so important that is required his immediate attention and two seemingly full bags from the store. The simple fact that he even thought of me is enough alone to make my cheeks warm. I was on his mind, and that makes me happy. Despite the fact that it shouldn't.

After what feels like forever I see him peak his head through a small gap in the glass door. He gives me a toothy grin.

"Okay it's ready. Come here" his voice is chipper as he eagerly flings the door open fully.

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